α = 1/137 ~ 0.0072973525693 ~ @adm idiocracy.


"I am not there yet. Many might think I'm already there but I am not"

Stupidity and stubbornness in the rotten minds of some people is an universal constant even stronger and more immutable than the gravitational constant, Planck's constant, Sommerfeld's fine-structure constant and even the speed of light in a vacuum. Poor little wild animals. That they are gonna die without knowing the laws of physics nor the mathematics that govern it. Since their logic is totally dysfunctional, perverted and retarded. ¡Peace to their stupid & stubborn remains in eternity!

So, I think that once again I'm gonna have to explain the reality of things to them. Explaining to them the truly immutable power of words above any stupid and stubborn action they decide and can take. But since they are so obtuse, illiterate and brainless as to understand it with words. This time I will try to make them understand it through some music. Just to see if at least something gets stuck in their poor little brains.

I am not there yet.

But when...

There will be no one at home!


«α = 1/137»


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Cranky Gandalf



This time I will try to make them understand it through some music. Just to see if at least something gets stuck in their poor little brains.

It really is good to have dreams... 😏
