Soffice di Mario Marc Farinato -- LIVE Version with Orchestra del Conservatorio di Mantova --

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Harmonizing the Upside-Down Groove: A Musical Journey in Mantova

Ladies and gentlemen, cats and kittens, gather 'round! 🎙️🎸🥁

Allow me to spin you a tale about a musical odyssey that unfolded in the heart of Mantova, Italy. Picture this: cobblestone streets, ancient palazzos, and the scent of espresso lingering in the air. But we’re not here for the touristy stuff—nah, we’re diving deep into the soul of Mantova, where the notes dance like fireflies on a warm summer night.

Act 1:

The Orchestra Conundrum Two months of sweat, tears, and caffeinated brainstorming sessions—the Conservatorio di Mantova orchestra was our canvas. Valerio Savino, the piano wizard, tinkered with ivory keys, unraveling melodies that hung in the air like morning mist.But there was a twist: I played my guitar as if it were a mirror image, chords dissonant and rebellious. It was like Hendrix met Vivaldi at a crossroads, and they decided to jam.

Act 2:

The Sonic Alchemy Now, let’s talk frequencies. You see, I tuned my strings to the cosmic hum of 432 megahertz—a mystical number whispered by ancient sages and rock gods alike. It’s the frequency of the universe, man! And when I strummed those dissonant chords, something magical happened. The air shimmered, and the Quintetto 22+ from the orchestra del Conseravotrio di Mantova caught the vibe. They wove their bows through time, conjuring an old-school sound that echoed through the centuries.

Act 3:

The HIVE Awakening But wait, there’s more! This gig wasn’t just about notes and frequencies. No, siree. It was the HIVE’s grand entrance—a secret society of sonic explorers, dreamers, and groove architects. Our project was the opening act, the fuse that ignited the musical revolution. Vitty Magro, our fearless producer, sprinkled stardust on every track. And Mario Marco Farinato? His idea birthed this sonic phoenix rising from the Mantovan ashes.

Grand Finale:

The LIVE Atmosphere Two minutes and twenty seconds—that’s all it took. The audience leaned in, eyes wide, hearts thumping. The amphitheater pulsed with life. We weren’t just playing; we were channeling. The upside-down guitar, the dissonance, the ancient tuning—it all merged into a kaleidoscope of sound. The crowd swayed, lost in the groove. And as the final note hung in the air, we knew: Mantova had witnessed magic.

So, my friends, raise your glasses (or your espresso cups) to the harmonious chaos, the dissonant beauty, and this dream's birth. Let this project be a beacon—a promise that more sonic adventures await. Grazie, Mantova. You’ve etched your melody on our souls.

Rock on, Mantova! 🤘🎶✨

Signore e signori, gatti e gattini, radunatevi! 🎙️🎸🥁

Permettetemi di tessere per voi un racconto sull’odissea musicale che si è svolta nel cuore di Mantova, Italia. Immaginatevi strade lastricate, palazzi antichi e il profumo di caffè che aleggia nell’aria. Ma non siamo qui per le solite cose da turisti—no, stiamo immergendoci nell’anima di Mantova, dove le note danzano come lucciole in una calda notte d’estate.

Atto 1:

Il Dilemma dell’Orchestra Due mesi di sudore, lacrime e sessioni di brainstorming caricate di caffeina—l’orchestra del Conservatorio di Mantova era la nostra tela. Valerio Savino, il mago del pianoforte, si è immerso tra i tasti d’avorio, svelando melodie che fluttuavano nell’aria come nebbia mattutina. Ma c’era un colpo di scena: ho suonato la mia chitarra come se fosse uno specchio, accordi dissonanti e ribelli. È stato come se Hendrix avesse incontrato Vivaldi a un bivio e avessero deciso di improvvisare insieme.

Atto 2:

L’Alchimia Sonora Ora, parliamo di frequenze. Vedete, ho accordato le corde alla vibrazione cosmica di 432 megahertz—un numero mistico sussurrato dagli antichi saggi e dagli dei del rock. È la frequenza dell’universo, amico! E quando ho pizzicato quegli accordi dissonanti, è successo qualcosa di magico. L’aria ha tremato, e il Quintetto 22+ dell’orchestra del Conseravotrio di Mantova ha catturato l’atmosfera. Hanno tessuto le loro archi attraverso il tempo, evocando un suono retrò che echeggiava nei secoli.

Atto 3:

Il Risveglio su HIVE

Ma aspettate, c’è di più! Questo spettacolo non riguardava solo note e frequenze. No, signori. È stata la grande entrata per HIVE—una "società segreta di esploratori sonori, sognatori e architetti del groove." Il nostro progetto è stato l’atto di apertura, la miccia che ha acceso la rivoluzione musicale. Vitty Magro, il nostro produttore senza paura, ha spolverato polvere di stelle su ogni traccia. E Mario Marco Farinato? La sua idea ha dato vita a questa fenice sonora che sorge dalle ceneri mantovane.

Gran Finale:

L’Atmosfera LIVE Due minuti e venti secondi—è bastato questo. Il pubblico si è chinato, occhi spalancati, cuori che battevano. L’anfiteatro pulsava di vita. Non stavamo solo suonando; stavamo canalizzando. La chitarra capovolta, la dissonanza, l’accordatura antica—tutto si è fuso in un caleidoscopio di suoni. La folla si dondolava, persa nel groove. E mentre l’ultima nota aleggiava nell’aria, sapevamo: Mantova aveva assistito a una magia.

Quindi, amici miei, alzate i bicchieri (o le tazzine di espresso) al caos armonioso, alla bellezza dissonante e alla nascita di questo sogno. Che questo progetto sia un faro—una promessa che altre avventure sonore ci attendono. Grazie, Mantova. Hai inciso la tua melodia nelle nostre anime.

Rock on, Mantova! 🤘🎶✨

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I love this work they have done, I recently acquired 2 of their nfts of this beautiful song (one to give as a gift to a great friend that I appreciate very much).

This is a beauty, in every sense, thank you very much, you have made me cry with happiness and filled my day with color.

What talented people I have come across, it was a great pleasure and pleasure to meet them by accident, I found them exploring the nft showroom and there I went to see their work, and then from there I came to see this beauty of live video.

Thank you very much, they are surprising, beautiful and unique!


I came to see this beauty of live video. Thank you, and so sorry i didn't see your comment earlier.. big hugs from italy, there plenty of news next on our channel... THANK YOU SO MUCH!


What softly descends slowly rises into clouds, it’s a bitter truth, and you cannot change it.
All it's left is waiting to see where it leads.
Reality is like a muse; it works well only if you load it all at 360-degrees.

These new frustrations, I think, won’t dim old horizons or erase tears.
What we need is imagination to live in the same love—no more rents to pay, only children to embrace. Nothing remains but you… and all the dreams I’ve desired and lost in an instant, like crumbs in the air, like fire upon fire, or tulips on plastic meadows. Nothing remains but you and all my dreams.

It's very introspective, i think after we find the truth we cannot get back to the illusion of life created by this system.
Hugs and Thank you fro your interest.
Hugs from Italy, beside in Mantova work is going great, i convinced 3 professional editor to distribute their catalog on and NftShowroom, in June a new concert with a "internet-band" for July we won a competition and we can use the Palazzo Ducale di Mantova to produce a short which will be filled with music written by my buddy -- as a brother -- Valerio Savino. in september a Hive-Party to celebrate the revolution



I hope that this way of making music and such beautiful vibrations spread around Mantova will take hold among many souls.

And I would like to have the lyrics of the song if possible. 😇

