RE: Adiemus - the tune stuck in my mind

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Hahaha, as soon as I saw the title I heard this dramatic song play in my head, which as you say, sounded like Enya, Enigma, or Vangelis (and at some point became the commercial soundtrack of an airline). Though I never knew the words were not of any human language. I just assumed it was one I didn't speak. Thanks for the trivia! Now I need to see how to get this tune out of my head... 😜


Now I need to see how to get this tune out of my head... 😜

Bocsi 🤐 ... pedig figyelmeztettem az olvasókat 😂

The words sound like the Latin language, right? It was my first impression at least. And then I read this interesting detail:

No hay letra en las canciones, sino que los cantantes recitan sílabas y palabras inventadas por el compositor. Sin embargo, en vez de llamar la atención a base de patrones de fonemas, el lenguaje de Adiemus está cuidadosamente estilizado a fin de no distraer la atención del oyente del timbre y el tono de la voz; por ejemplo, lo mismo que sucede con los idiomas africanos, las sílabas que terminan en consonante son inusuales. El concepto central de Adiemus es que la voz tendría que funcionar como un simple instrumento musical, una postura moderna que se ha convertido en una cierta tendencia, como ejemplifica la música compuesta por Vangelis para la película 1492: Conquista del Paraíso (1992) o el estilo lírico de Wim Mertens.

El propio término de Adiemus se escribe de forma similar a una palabra en Latín que significa "Nos reuniremos cerca", aunque Jenkins asegura que lo desconocía.



It does sound like Latin, doesn't it? ...until you try to translate it, all enthusiastic from learning it in school, and find out that something doesn't add up. Maybe our school Latin was not completely up to date? Or the song may be some weird dialect of vulgar Latin? I really wish someone had told me this back then. It would have saved quite a bit of frustration!
