Your Love - I Just Wanna Use Your Love Tonight

My love story was very terrible. I would say that there is nothing called love. I started my relationship when I was twelve. There was this boy of my age too. We were living in the same street at Ibadan. He was a very handsome boy and we attended the same school. He was brilliant same as I myself, we do compete who takes the first position, our parents were aware of this. So this got us more united. We study together, we go home and school together too. But there was something about his family I never liked. His father always beat up his mother even in the face of strangers and outsiders. I have also witnessed that countless times as I do visit my friend to do our homework and play.


It happened that we attended the same primary and secondary school. We were so attached to ourselves that people call us brother and sister. We finished secondary school at age seventeen and as if this young dude knew I have loved him and also catching feelings for him for a very long time asked me out which I never hesitate to say yes. I was happy and we had to make our friendship stronger than before. After our secondary school, they packed out of the street to another town, also he got admission into a different school from mine. He attended private university while I attended federal university but this never stopped our love story because I do visit him every weekend, performing my girlfriend duty for him. We love each other so much, though before then my parents warned me to stay away from him because of domestic violence that has been happening in their home.

According to my parents they said that parents that fight almost every day cannot raise their children well especially the boy child. That the boy will one day turn to a wife beater as he has been seeing his father do the same and that is the wrong foundation. Well, I never listened because I was carried away by the cuteness of this guy. His physique, broad chest, deep voice and charming eyes. So during our days in the university which I said I always visit him in his lodge. He got me pregnant, at first I was happy thinking he will be happy also but the reverse is the case. It turned out very bad for me. The day I disclosed the news to him, his mode changed and for the first time in our relationship I was scared, the reality of life is about to play itself.


He told me to do away with the pregnancy which I refused. Lo and behold!, for the first time this guy beat me up. What was my offence? I asked him, he said why should I say no to what he was telling me. So just because of that you were beating me up I asked him and he said that if I talk again he will beat me the more and no one could rescue me from his hands. I was bittered but also calm because I don't want to die young. I told him this on Friday night I arrived at his place, during these three days of the weekend, it was hell on earth, every moment beating and shouting, it was every time that he was correcting me, the last one made me slump that I have to run away to my place after I went for treatment and decided to have some moment of rest and peace. I Wish I had listened to my parents. I Wish I could turn the hand of clock backward to correct this mess. What about my pregnancy? How should I disclose it to my parents? The next thing that came to my mind was to call his mum which I did and all this woman could tell me was that there's nothing she could do, that when I was opening my legs and getting pregnant, she wasn't there, so I should endure it.


I was devastated and left alone in this world but I cross my mind never to abort my first pregnancy. I did not tell my parents about it and I did not visit home either, always giving them one excuse or another. Meanwhile I also receive my monthly student allowance from my parents. I was from a wealthy home and I had to drop out of school not because of finance but for my mental health, I was losing it. I stopped going to school to take care of my baby. After nine months I gave birth to a bouncing baby boy and girl. I was helped during my postpartum by a close friend, all thanks to her she's a wonderful soul. Later on, I started a boutique business after six months at home and thanks goodness it was moving well. After three years, which should be my graduation year, my parents were already calling me to come home. How do I do this? Well, I went home without my kids, I left them with my friend. When I got home, I stayed for some time and travelled back. I told my parents that I still have some things to sort out before my graduation which they accepted.

On my way back to the town, I met this young man in the park. I boarded a vehicle and both of us took the same vehicle but I have learnt my lessons not to look at any man again even when they're throwing their greenlight. He disturbed me in the vehicle that I gave and just gave him my number to stop him from pestering me which he stopped. We got down the vehicle and took our separate ways. After a week, he called me to check on me which he promised to be that good nigga, my friend was with me when I took the call so I told her about the guy which she advised me to give love a second chance. The next day, the guy called and asked for a date, I accepted and along the line he told me how he loved and cared for me and also would love to make me his wife, I was provoked that I nearly slapped him but he seemed so calm even as I was shouting at him for saying rubbish because to me it was rubbish. To cut the story short at the end of every thing I accepted him which I told him my reasons for acting that way, I also opened up to him about my kids from my past relationship which he accepted to take care of them.


He later visited my home to see my children and I visited his too, he asked for my hand in marriage. I thought I was dreaming but it was reality. I took him to my parents with my kids and narrate every thing to them which they were not happy about not telling them all this while. The guy (my husband to be) also pleaded on my behalf which my parents accepted. We ate, drink and everything went well. After our wedding, I moved to my husband's house with my kids. Thank God my kids now have a responsible man to call daddy. After ten years, my former guy, the beast and woman beater came back to claim his kids. He came to my family house (my parents house) but I trust my dad and mum, they chased him away. I could not tell how he located my place in town, he traced me to my husband's house to come and rant rubbish, to come and claim the kids he asked me to abort. But something happened that amazed me, my kids rejected him, they told him boldly to his face that he was not there when they were small so they don't know him. They have a father which is the man they're living in his house. My husband also have to report to the police because the guy can do anything crazy as he is a bittered soul. Later in the middle of the year, my husband flew us out of the country to our desired country of choice and the beast never set his eyes on us again.
Song lyrics

The next news I heard was that he beats up his parents for giving him wrong training which resulted to their death. And no woman ever stayed long with him because he always beats them up. As it is now, I don't know his fate and what his life had turned into.
So I am advising our young ones to leap before licking, all that glitters is not gold. Don't allow your feelings to carry you away and also always listen to your parents.

Thank you very much for stopping by to read my post.


Hmm... your story. Well, it is nice you learned your lessons. That's why we ought to be careful because whatever decision we make in our teens affects our adult life.

You are very lucky you got a good man who took you and your children.


Its sad sometimes we can't erase the memories of our past but will have to live with them. Thanks for reading my post.


What an inspirong Story this is for younger ones to measure twice before cutting, thankfully God sent you q better man.

Great song too!


Sure you're right, thanks for taking your time and reading through my post, i really appreciate ♥
