Lifestyle - Travel - Mindset - Coach - Tourmanagement
Komme auch du auf die Sonnenseite deines Lebens. Hier findest du immer wieder Einblick aus meinem Leben. Ich blogge von meinen Reisen, mein Leben, meinen passiven Geldquellen und darüber hinaus, wie Du Schritt für Schritt dein Leben positiv bereichern kann.
Let's have more fun in life :-)
Travel with cool people around the world to work together on the best beaches and places around the world.
Enjoy your life.
Barefoot Mountain Climber Sleeping Under the Stars, Ocean Frolicker, Ancient Explorer, Emotional Archaeologist, Enjoys Laughter, Love & Good Food, SPLINTERLANDS and my BLISSERCIZE DANCE PARTIES ONLINE!!
Satirical columnist and political commentator - I made multiple Tinder profiles just so I could right swipe myself. Alt account @traf for short content