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Oh man I had forgotten about your music, you haven't posted or talked about it in ages. It's incredible you have nearly completed a full album, that's some effort. It's great that you are this passionate about your music and want to make something of it. I really admired what you and your band are doing.

Come In Love is up there with the best as far as I am concerned. I could easily listen to that on the radio and think I was listening to Smashing Pumpkins or something similar. Gorgeous guitar strings being played in this song, I'm getting a Nirvana feel also.

You have a powerful singing voice dude, you've definitely got a singer's voice there's no doubt about it. You're also hitting all sorts of notes with your voice, you can go from smooth to rough easily.

I'm actually trying to think of a criticism because I don't want you to think I'm just ass kissing or something but your musical prowess is something to talk about.

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Oh man, you make me such kind words. I'm glad you liked it so much! Yeah im proud of this tune.. i feel good about sharing it and its not so heavy so even someone like my mom likes it. Several of the our other tunes get heavy, so not as palatable for all tastes. I wish i knew a way to get this track heard by the right ears, as i too think it would play on the radio and peeps wouldn't turn it off.
