The Time Seller


He was old.

Of course, this is only in terms that we humans could use when seeing the Time Seller. We could also attribute other qualities and characteristics, looking through the same prism of the two jewels that shine in our faces. Noble, elevated in every sense, as if on a kind of throne made of the hopes of all the creatures that lived until that moment when he - that seller, decided to disassemble his provisional tent that protected all of them.

I don't know if he felt a little sad or overwhelmed seeing the endless line of all the creatures that came to buy time. There were some requirements, yes, let's say eliminatory if they were not met. For example, having a necessary age that was not measured in years but in experiences lived under the canvas of the tent. The second requirement was to have a good soul, good intentions and a clean heart. Under no circumstances did the dealer want to negotiate with someone who wants harm to others. And then came the price that each one could offer in exchange for time. That was not an eliminating factor, still, it could determine if there was a deal made with the seller.

Sitting there, looking at the line of buyers, he reviewed the conditions in his mind. No, he was not obliged to sell even a part of a second to anyone. His decision was immutable, without any possibility of claims from the buyers. He's done it so many times wasn't the first nor the last time he had a multitude of desires in front of him, each one with his perfect offer. If he wanted it, they could all remain unfulfilled, becoming shiny little particles that one day could be seen from some planet in a remote galaxy.

The first intention approached him. It wanted time to see his descendants living in freedom from all the fears that ever existed. The offered price was his infinite fight, sacrifice and protection of all the descendants that would be ever born. The seller denied the offer - you can't fight others' battles. They would not gain courage.

No hard feelings, everyone was prepared for both options - they could walk away with a piece of leather with the written word accepted or denied. At that time, the second thought already stood in front of the seller asking for more time for his sick brother. The offer was generous again - he would share the needed healthy cells with the sibling in order to live longer. The seller smiled sweetly but the offer was rejected.

The next one in the line was blushing. It was a soul in love, asking for at least one more day to spend with the loved one. The price? He would give his heart for that. I heard the Time Seller laughing at that offer - what would you get with this if you could not feel your accelerated heartbeats?

A promising deal was coming from the next buyer. He needed time to enjoy the taste and texture of the fruits he was going to harvest. He deserved it, he worked hard for it but just needed some time to recollect all of them. He offered half of his harvest to the Time Seller. But no deal was made here - much more time would need the buyer to mature than all the fruits under that tent.

I already lost the count of how many desires were already presented to the seller before I saw the fragile whisper approaching him. It was so delicate, I could say completely transparent and with a weak voice, it said to the seller: I have nothing to offer you. I burn down to ashes and wake up from the same day by day, poured into every particle of these creatures standing in line, before and behind me. I don't even ask for time, but I am inevitable, even for you.

The Time Seller did not say anything but decided not to dismantle the tent at the moment. With his eyes closed he waited for the arrival of the whisper, not thinking about time at all.

About the clock in the photo... it inspired this little story. My friend bought it online, I picked it up from the seller lady and I'm going to take it to her now, soon. It's almost like... we bought time.



I wish we can have that in reality too.😊 Being able to buy time.😊 Thank you for sharing this amazing story ma'am. 😊


Well, that is just in imagination :D

Now when you say, to be able to buy time in reality...I remember there was a movie I saw several years ago, I don't remember the name of it, where the characters' lives depended on how much time they had - luckily, it was also just a story 😅


Yeah.. I saw a thriller too. It's an English movie I think. 😄


If we were to buy time in reality, it would have been nice?🤔 Well, that was really cool,I must say.


Hmm, I think we already can change some of our habits or adapt our lifestyle, or give up on something that is consuming us a lot of time - a price we "pay" to get more time. Though, usually it happens in the other way - we "pay" for things with our time


Amazing lines...

And who was that "fragile whisper approaching him"???... Perhaps the same time?... Perhaps an angel of life and death?... Who can be so inevitable?...

Beautiful story, really charming... You write with your soul, I think I've said it before, I don't know, but I'm sure I thought that way...

Greetings, blessings to everyone there, happy week dear @mipiano teacher!... ;)

!discovery 42


Who is the whisper, there could be many answers to that riddle - for each reader can be a different thing. Maybe it's the angel of death and life indeed, maybe it is the first light of the sunrise, maybe the moment of waking up from sleep, maybe the answer is simple like energy or destiny? I should say...time will tell haha

Ya entregué el reloj a mi amiga, le gusta. 😉 Thank you very much and also, a happy week to you too, @jlinaresp


I think you know that time is a subject that fascinates me, but it would never occur to me to ask for time, I think the souls know what they will live before coming and accept because they agree to it... there are so many simple and important things to ask for time, like listening to laugh... smell a flower, touch the loved one... but life is to learn what is important... and time is the most important thing in life to do those things.... the seller of time has run out of time and they come looking for it.

It was super cool, love the story!


but life is to learn what is important... and time is the most important thing in life to do those things...

Exactly ✨

I hope you also did things that made you happy today 😇


Time is priceless, I hope people learn that.

My week started off great, I just got back from the beach, I love the sun and the water!!!! I don't know how to swim hahahahaha but I enjoy it anyway!😍


She approached him and whispered it was her own soul. He understood that it is always better to give than to receive and that time is not negotiable, it is only one's time, and so it is meant to be. Your story gives much food for thought. Good night. 🥰❤️


That's a great interpretation Mamani. I am glad that this little story que vino así de golpe ayer puede servir como idea para pensar, y también inspirar interpretaciones bonitas como es la suya 🕊️


When it's time to leave, we realize the illusion of time, while the clock continues to tick its rhythmic pace, but that only matters to mortals. The soul begins its journey towards nowhere, now free of time.

Greetings .


I remember the philosophy of the clock, every moment is very precious, because it cannot be repeated, and if it were possible, I would like to ask for things that were too late to make it happen. I want that, but from that I hope it can be my lesson,


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