Professional photographer since 1998. Based in the Truckee / Tahoe area. I sell big landscape prints and license images. I post photos, stories, and how-to's.
My goal, my path, for my familly. Micronationalist. Post written here will be in English, for french speaking blog check my main account @itharagaian .
H est la première revue francophone de cryptolittérature au monde. H publie des œuvres, à la fois de la culture pop et savante, marquée par l’irrévérence, le décalage et l’intelligence sans prétention, directement sur la chaîne de blocs.
Security guard by profession, photographer by emancipation.and crypto enthusiast by self-declaration.
My profile name is just a pseudonym, I just want to catch the attention of my relatives of whom have those family names who hails from Samar.
MCGI Cares: With God’s help and mercy, good works continue through MCGI's faithful outreach program that features a global and mobile free store, simultaneous feeding program, free potable water project, and various wish-granting activities to be of help to underprivileged people regardless of their race and religious affiliation.