La vida es como una obra de teatro que no permite ensayo, por eso rie, canta,llora, salta, baila, y vive intensamente cada momento de la vida antes de que el telón baje y la obra termine sin aplausos
I am a Texan residing in the Philippines. I am proudly retired from the US Air Force. I have been married since April 1980, to the same Filipina. My short-term goal in life is to be able to save enough money for a trip to Texas to see my elderly parents and long-term to live at least 100 healthy years.
$AIVG & virtualgrowth AI:
Decentralization icon & advisor. With undeniable faith in the tokenized economy & trustless consensus of a global people.
"We develop by seeing beauty in the negative" - Ruben Cress | Running my own storytelling business since 2011 | Professional photographer, content creator, blockchain enthusiast.