Hi everyone!! 😃😃 My name is Ben North. I am an amateur wildlife photographer in South Northamptonshire. I have been photographing the wildlife in the Northamptonshire area for 6 years now. I use a Nikon P900 and have owned a Nikon P1000 for some of the shots you will see in my forthcoming posts.
I work for a charity called Earth's Lonely Angels which is a charity that helps the lonely, vulnerable and homeless in Northampton. You can find us on face book. I have worked for the charity for four years. We have had many projects in that time and are currently running the upkeep of a wellbeing space in Kingsthorpe Northampton. It is an allotment about the size of a small orchard and has a wild garden and lots of trees and areas to grow flowers and shrubs. There we see service users and they can choose how much they get stuck in. It is more about getting out and feeling good.
I hope you enjoy my posts on Hive and please feel free to ask any questions about them.
Thank you and it's great to be on Hive.
I am a blogger, poet and amateur photographer. I have used many online platforms to share my art. I enjoy meeting new writer's and artists globally.
Freewriter, Silverbloggers, TeamUSA, Palnet!