I'm buying bitcoin without calling anything my mom has a slipper, n she calls me in the ring always confirm the address, that's a crazy thing I dont fall into scam, I dont clickon your link I'm brazilian enthusiast, I have fox in my wallet Doing staking every day because willy is my brother Erik I'd be a billionaire like you Shapeshift to the end And her color is blue My friends so saying I'm stealing Because I have bitcoin up in the teeth my digital gold is now buying my hashish that's not bubble, each with their risk Bitcoin is not a game, forget your bad luck. this is useful, look at the pepes in my pocket These guys complaining are dumb equal door It's those guys who don't shop on the floor Bitcoin ó Bitcoin ó vitalik wants tobe my fren, I'm gaining know-how my face in the newspaper now it's normal my mother has changed her mind now full of ethereum I'm not criminal I'm Brazilian but I don't win in real real life I'm poor here I'm rich animal
Collection: CRYPTO SONGS
Creator: @boeltermc
Total Edition(s): 50
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@boeltermc tokenized 50 editions
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