'Slowdown' - New Original Music - Goofing Around, Maybe Slowly Becoming an Idea

I didn't really have anything new
to work on, so I just sorta tried things a bit at random. Here, I started at a slower BPM than the default which sometimes I just resort to, 90 in this case, and then started with a simple beat in Track 1. It's got a sort of lazy, slightly late hi-hat pattern, though once the other stuff comes in, that mostly isn't super obvious though it does help give the whole thing a bit of a more interesting groove. I also used Thermal to get some more interesting timbres out of these hits. Track 2 was a LABS electric keyboard, which at first played a bunch of chords that I didn't love, so I just went with a 2 simple arpeggios, each over 4 bars, the first playing C, E, F, B and C (then back down) and the second C, D, G, A and C (also back down again). I added a convolution reverb here, to add some spaciness. Track's 3 and 4 were both Ableton Wavetable synth presets that fill in things with solid chords. Tracks 6 and 7 were more drums, just hi-hats mostly, though there is another clap sort of sound there too, both of which use Thermal for various effects. Track 8 is the 'Drift' synth, from the recent Ableton update, and I created a quick patch and had it play a simple 3 and 4 note melody thing. Finally, we have Track 9, using a ROLI sound, which just plays a simpl dyad thing at the start of each bar. Overall, I think this is an interesting start, we'll see what happens as I mess around with these.

Tracks 2, 3 and 4, Arpeggios, and Chords
Listen to Slowdown here...
Hope you enjoy!
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The mysterious atmosphere :)