Memories of him.

It was a perfect morning, but then the sky changed. Thunderstruck as the booming sound of lightning filled my ears. It felt like it was trying to tell me something. Closing my eyes, a moment I never knew crossed my mind. I was in the rain, drenched, and then...

Boòoooom The sound of thunder rose again as I gasped. I kept on getting memories that don't belong to me, or so it seems.

Though my heart ached and I could feel the stain of a single tear dancing sorrowfully down my round cheek, I couldn't understand where the ache came from. Why did I feel this way?

As if on cue, I found my hands touching the iron on my middle finger like it held some closure; a reminder, maybe. It was a beautiful ring that fit my finger perfectly like it was specially carved for me, though I wasn't sure how it got on my finger.

"Was I married?" questioned my mind in a rough tone.

The more I tried to remember, the more it was to concentrate on the series of images that filled my mind, and then my mind was blank.

"Meow", a voice whispered close to my ear.

"Meow" I heard again.

Looking beside me, I saw a cat.. no, three cats closer to the chair where I sat close to the garden, which I don't know of. My surroundings still feel familiar, but I couldn't understand. I can't even remember my name. The meows of the cat seemed to remind me of something, or was it somewhere? A message? I couldn't tell, but I knew I had to be somewhere.

My legs moved before I could blink, and like a robot, I found myself edging toward a direction. A home close to the garden where I sat.

Getting in, I saw a door, and it seemed to call me like I was expected to never leave there. My heart leapt, and my leg stood, unmoving. I was holding myself back from the misery. My heart knew it couldn't be joy…. Or is it?

Alas! I saw myself walking into the room, and I was greeted with colorful papers(stickers) which adorned the wall, and I felt naked... exposed as I knew deeply that the wall knew all my secrets. The secrets I can't remember. Moving forward, I noticed the stickers have words on them; messages written on them to remind me of something important.

Each sticker was stained with dried stains that tell the tale of forgotten tears stamped on it like an emperor's mark.

Looking all over the stickers, I read each word aloud.

"Don't forget him. He is a big part of your life."

"Dan. He is my everything."

"You have amnesia. Always come here whenever your heart aches."

"Remember your name, Racheal. Remember the love of your life. The man of your dreams, Daniel."

"The cloudy sky will surely bring you pain because it was the day he found you in the rain and also the day he died tragically."

"Always wear your ring and keep the cats. Their meows will remind you of his love for cats and mostly for you."


The more I read, the more I understood, and then it hit me. Wave of emotions reminded me of his smile, his deep voice, his touch, his seductive look on me and as I remembered my eyes found a mirror on the wall, I saw the wrinkles in my face.

"How long has it been? I asked with a sad smile, but then I knew; thirty years since his death. We were married for thirty years before his death. I never remarried, and since we never had children of our own, the cats he left behind are the only ones I have, and I am glad I have them.

"Daniel" I called out loud, and I could have sworn I saw a shadow close by smiling at me until a laugh escaped my lips.

"I missed you, honey. Thanks for everything" I said before lying on the cold floor where darkness set on me.

Now I know. The reason my heart leapt. It was for joy. The joy of seeing him again.

*When I was called upon to write something, my mind went this way. Though I wrote little, my heart couldn't help coming back to it to give it the ending which my heart ached for. Her ending of him and a music to go.


Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading and listening.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.


A story full of feeling. A story full of emotion, each scene illustrates a roller coaster of feelings that make us feel empathy for the protagonist. At the end, She met her husband in the afterlife. Your story is very interesting.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Excellent day.


Thanks. I'm glad you could capture it as well. The emotions, and what each scene dictates. Thank you, and do have a lovy day.
