Three Tune Tuesday - Miami Sound Machine - Emilio Estefan - Birthday Boy #31 [Eng-Pt]
Welcome to my #TTT #ThreeTuneTuesday entry!
Olá bom dia a todos, e bem vindos a mais uma publicação para o TTT! Hoje, quero aqui falar de mais um aniversariante. Fui pesquisar que músicos completavam mais uma volta em torno do Sol, e de entre a lista dos que me apareceu, um nome se destacou.
Emilio, músico e produtor cubano-americano completa hoje os seus 72 anos.
Emilio ganhou destaque como membro fundador dos Miami Sound Machine.
Este artista foi um dos maiores responsáveis pela abertura do caminho para a abertura da música pop cubana ao mercado nos anos noventa. Muitos foram os artistas que ele produziu e agenciou, entre os muitos posso destacar a sua esposa Gloria Estefan, Ricky Martin, Jennifer Lopez, Shakira, Jon Secada.
Recebeu pelas mãos do Presidente Norte-Americano Barack Obama a Medalha Presidencial da Liberdade em 2015, a mais alta honra civil atribuível.
Vou agora deixar-vos aqui algumas das músicas mais emblemáticas deste grupo fantástico, que traz luz e alegria neste dia de Carnaval!
Impossível ficar com os pés parados ao ouvir estes sons, não acham? Dá logo vontade de apanhar um avião para Miami! Ahahah
Hello everyone, and welcome to another TTT publication! Today, I want to talk about another birthday. I went to research which musicians were completing another lap around the Sun, and among the list of those I came across, one name stood out.
Emilio, a Cuban-American musician and producer, turns 72 today.
Emilio came to prominence as a founding member of Miami Sound Machine.
He was one of the artists most responsible for opening up Cuban pop music to the market in the 1990s. He produced and managed many artists, including his wife Gloria Estefan, Ricky Martin, Jennifer Lopez, Shakira and Jon Secada.
He received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from US President Barack Obama in 2015, the highest civilian honor awarded.
I'll now leave you with some of the most iconic songs by this fantastic group, which brings light and joy to this Carnival day!
It's impossible to keep your feet still when you hear these sounds, don't you think? It makes you want to get on a plane to Miami! Ahahah
Obrigado por promover a Língua Portuguesa em suas postagens.
Vamos seguir fortalecendo a comunidade lusófona dentro da Hive.
There is no denying that this woman had a beautiful voice and a lot of talent.
Yes! And everyone that lived thought that decade, even now remembers the great quality and music that they put out! Thank you so much for your comment, Oswaldo!
Now that’s a legend!
Undoubtedly, and the number of artists that he bring out to the spotlight is absolutely incredible!
I love the energy and vibe they create with the audience. Good shares man 🎶🎶👌
Hello, ablaze! Thank you so much for your comment and appreciation! It was exactly that vibe that made me choose this birthday musician for yesterday's TTT! Have a great week, my friend!