STV - Talking Manure About Music (the shittiest post ever)


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Well, that title suggests that a lot of diarrhea will be transferred from my keyboard to this virtual piece of paper, and all that not-so-solid poo is triggered by a suggestion coming from @edje .

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This sounds easy, but as I respect almost any kind of music, excluding young kids learning to play the flute or violin, was still a freaking challenging assignment. But he was right it´s pretty diverse:

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Let´s start this #stv with the song and the thought that got triggered:
You don´t talk shite about music even if it´s not you taste, or as Dingetje said Praat geen Poep:

Now that is great, but if you want to play by the rules you need to link it to a post, luckily wrote a post about Miley Cyrus.

Now she doesn´t play the flute or violin, has a dad that did that honky tonk song, which wasn´t that much to my taste but I can not truly call it shit.

And then there is aunty double D Dolly, so this family has been through piles of poo, but I think that our lovely miss Miley even though she is the youngest has gotten buckets and buckets of these digestional leftovers poured out over her already.
And not just by Keyboard Warriors but by other artists slinging feces her way.

Nicki Minaj:

The 37-year-old rapper revealed on Queen Radio that: "Perdue Chickens can never talk about queens." Maybe it´s just me but a Perdue Chicken is a white girl that wants to be down with the “blacks”.

Now I am not all pro-inclusive and diverse, but I think this is pretty non-diverse.

But it could be worse, especially if the dung comes from a boomer that removed a rib to look thinner.


Cher called the performance “so bad.” “She could have come out naked, and if she‘d just rocked the house, I would have said, ’You go, girl.’ It just wasn’t done well. She can’t dance, her body looked like hell, the song wasn’t great, one cheek was hanging out. And, chick, don’t stick out your tongue if it’s coated.”

She was talking about this controversial performance:

Miley´s response:

"I’m like, ’Oh, Cher gives a f--k about what I’m doing.’” Cyrus said

She continued, “When these legends and these icons and these artists that we look up to ... f**king hate us, it’s still a compliment… She was mad that I was sticking my tongue out all the time and all that shit. And I’m like, ‘Yo, I pissed Cher off, I really made it!”

Do we have time for more fecal matter?, Of course, everyone likes to do a number two on Miley.
And I have to admit giving Poop for Christmas is an original gift. With a famous Dad, and an Epic grandma of course your family is gonna be a little dysfunctional:

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Well that draws the keyboard warriors out en mass:
"She's like the teenagers I work with, who like to show off that they are smoking weed. Big deal, seen it all before, you're not the first and not the last.......... seriously, with them caring for a child, at least one of them should be straight," one comment read online.

"Awww such a great look: a room full of intoxicated adults and an infant in their care. Merry Christmas!" a second added.

"Time to grow up Miley. It's boring now," a third chimed in.

The thing all these crappy outings have in common is that they do not focus on the music.

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To me is she might not be the best singer,but she does keep coming up with songs that hit the charts and are pretty diverse.

So whywhy, do people feel the need to discharge on her? What makes Miley that controversial?
I think it´s just because she does it her way and it works, even though it might not always be the best way but she "doesn´t give a shit!"

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And just to show how diverse the number 2 is, you just read a different word for defecation every 60 words💩, that makes this the shittiest post ever!

Poo Poo that were some smelly vibes that I spread on this lazy Sunday morning, and I as per the challenge, not a challenge I invite you to talk more about poo!
We all stink but except for kids learning to play the flute and violin, music is never crap.

What is Spread The Vibes

If you want to know more about the Spread The Vibe Challenge not A challenge please clikerdeeclick me

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I did like watching her in Black Mirror!


Black Mirror has been on my must watch list for ages, I tried one or two episodes than life happened and I just never got around to it again


I didn't finish it all, but the episode with her was the best one for me so far.


This sounds easy, but as I respect almost any kind of music, excluding young kids learning to play the flute or violin,

I love the lines you used in this post , hehe
The one i Highgate above is funny but true. Although there some exceptional kids that can wow you.

Good post friend. You rock!


Definitely there are some prodigies, they just happen to live outside of hearing distance from where I live I guess


Miley is actually a fantastic singer! Must I find evidence?


Well not for me, I like Miley quite a bit, not my fav singer but I do like the whole package. But I guess that comes down to taste and well my taste in female voices is just little more celestial I guess, but nothing shite about that meid.


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