Ritual de sonidos. Ghost, la banda del día viernes que elevará tu espíritu.[esp-eng]
Saludos queridos lectores.
Este viernes decidí hacerlo distinto, hoy terminaré esta semana intensa con buena música.
“La música sin duda alguna es un liberador de tensiones, nos la recomiendan para liberar el estrés, renovar energías y relajar la mente”.
Ya cada quien escogerá su repertorio musical del día, y es que no todo el tiempo tenemos el mismo gusto, vamos saltando de estilo en estilo y para cada actividad que realizamos hay uno que queda como anillo al dedo.

Para este día el escogido es Ghost, una banda sueca, esta se formó en el año 2010.
Su estilo musical combina elementos del metal, rock, clásica y pop, por otro lado su puesta en escena mezcla el teatro y ritual, de igual modo esto lo aplican en sus videos clips.
La banda liderada por Tobias Forge, quien hasta ahora ha sido el único miembro constante (sin reemplazo), es conocido por su voz fuerte y enigmática, debo confesar que cuando vi su video con la canción titulada Ritual pensé que era un hombre ya mayor, puesto que usaba una máscara, me asombró su calidad y fuerza vocal, esto hizo que me interesará en su música.
Hasta la fecha esta banda ha lanzado cuatro álbumes, “Opus Eponymous” en 2010, “Infestissumam” en 2013, “Meliora” en 2015 y “Prequelle” en 2018.
En el último tiempo ha ganado muchos más seguidores de su música, ha estado nominados a varios premios en los cuales se nombra a los Grammy.
“La canción Mery On a Cross, según ha dicho el propio Tobias Forge, es una crítica a la sociedad moderna y su forma de vida, basada en la superficialidad y las apariencias”.
Greetings dear reader.
This Friday I decided to do it differently, today I will end this intense week with good music.
"Music is undoubtedly a stress reliever, it is recommended to release stress, renew energy and relax the mind".
Everyone will choose their musical repertoire for the day, and the fact is that not all the time we have the same taste, we jump from style to style and for each activity we do there is one that fits like a glove.

For this day the chosen one is Ghost, a Swedish band, this one was formed in 2010.
Their musical style combines elements of metal, rock, classical and pop, on the other hand their staging mixes theater and ritual, likewise this is applied in their video clips.
The band led by Tobias Forge, who so far has been the only constant member (without replacement), is known for his strong and enigmatic voice, I must confess that when I saw his video with the song titled Ritual I thought he was an old man, since he was wearing a mask, I was amazed by his quality and vocal strength, this made me interested in their music.
To date this band has released four albums, "Opus Eponymous" in 2010, "Infestissumam" in 2013, "Meliora" in 2015 and "Prequelle" in 2018.
In the last time they have gained much more followers of their music, they have been nominated for several awards in which Grammy is named.
"The song Mery On a Cross, as Tobias Forge himself has said, is a criticism of modern society and its way of life, based on superficiality and appearances."
Los videos musicales fueron obtenidos de YouTube.

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Great! As a freelance writer, I wrote an article on this band for a client who does documentaries of Rock bands on YouTube last year. Their story is certainly interesting and intriguing. That's for sure.
Well done for this post.
Thank you very much for your words.
A few years ago I met this band, with my husband, the song Ritual was the one that caught me, from there I started to listen to their music.
My golden dream would be to be able to be present in some of their concerts and sing at the top of my lungs their songs.
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You will see me more consistently sharing some of my musical tastes.