Zero fucks given, and some music

There's times of my life I remember more fondly than others but I choose not to forget the bad times; they're a part of my life, have shaped me into who I am now, so despite being unpleasant they still belong. It's the best times I think about and enjoy the most though, they counter-balance bad memories and that's how it should be right?
Back a while we headed to the Gold Coast, a couple thousand kilometres from home, for a week of vacation. My two younger brothers and all the girlfriends were there and we spent the time on the beach swimming and surfing, eating out at restaurants and making awesome meals and playing board games back in the high-rise apartment we'd secured for the week; it was beach-front and west-facing over the South Pacific Ocean. We'd eat on the balcony of our 45th story apartment looking over the beach below and ocean beyond simply enjoying the company knowing these moments would become valued memories.
We'd all flown in, so hired a few Jeep Wranglers for the week; we took the tops off them, and ranged up and down the coast between the Gold Coast and Byron Bay and the whole time zero fucks were given about anything but having fun and living in the moment.
Of course, music came with us and I'm sharing a few tracks I recall fondly from that trip.
I remember this track, All For You, coming on the radio as we hooted along in the topless Jeep Wrangler, mountains on one side and the ocean on the other. It had not formerly been on my radar but when I heard it I loved it straight away. I guess it had a lot to do with the setting: Bikini-clad girl-person in the shotgun seat, mirrored Ray Ban aviator glasses reflecting the day, long golden hair flying in the wind, the blue-green ocean and golden beaches passing by, surf board sticking upward from the back seat and zero fucks to give about anything but the very moment we were in. It was a pretty special day and this is one of the tracks that punctuated it - the song has stayed with me ever since and when I hear it I'm carried right back to that day.
I liked this next song from the moment it was released. The beat is sort of chilled and laid back which, of course, perfectly matched the zero fucks given week and so it was played a few times...or more. The song by Uncle Kracker, Follow Me, tells a story about cheating on one's partner and giving zero fucks which isn't legit of course and not the reason I like this's just super cool and funky. I recall my girl-person singing along, eyes closed, head tilting left and right and arms raised over her head catching the wind as she danced in the seat while I drove. What did the other people passing by think? Yep that's right, zero fucks given.
Lastly is this classic by Kid Rock, another that makes me think about those zero fucks given moments on that trip. All Summer Long is a song made for cruising in a topless Jeep on warm days, with no destination in mind, the right person in the shotgun seat and not many clothes on. I recall pulling into an ocean-facing car park at Byron Bay and looking out at the surf, breathing in the sea air, whilst this song played on the CD player. It was the perfect song for the view...until my girl climbed into my lap and then zero fucks were given...about the view.
It was a legit trip and one I needed very badly at the time. We had a lot of fun, surfed a little, laid on the beach like sloths, ate way too much food, hiked in the Lamington National Park, played board games in the apartment at night and sat on the balcony listening to tunes and sipping cold drinks as the sun went down. I remember it like it was yesterday despite it being years ago and hearing the tunes, the music we listened to on that trip, never fails to carry me backward.
Have you had trips like this? Those that have become treasured memories and those which are triggered by sights or sounds years later? Feel free to tell me about it in the comments below, or just make a general comment...I'll reply, you know that.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp
[All original and proudly AI free.]
The image in this post is my own - Palm Cove, Cairns Australia
This music post was inspired by the Three Tune Tuesday #TTT concept by @ablaze.
This song always puts me back to mid 2000's sometime, summer, surrounded by mountains in British Columbia, in a yellow Chevy Aveo which wasn't my car luckily, totally lost on some random winding road, whacked out on mushrooms, but nobody else in the car knew.
Oh yeah, I remember that one, interesting video too! It's great how music can transport one back to somewhere so easily though memories.
Yeah. A lot of music takes me back to that trip especially, and most likely because it was an actual trip while road tripping. Probably just flashbacks. Was young in my 20's. Car had a great stereo and I was with good friends. Music was just on and I was so hyper focused on pretending everything was normal while the scenery and sounds were blowing my mind. This song triggers those memories as well. Probably a good dozen songs will put me right back in the backseat of that little shitcan car.
People put so much value on things, material things, but it's the experiences that mean the most and are most fondly remembered, in my opinion any way. Moments like that trip you mention, and the one for me in this post...casting back to them brings almost the same feelings as the trip itself. Wondrous, and how cool is music!
I've been building a playlist for when I'm zoning out inside the digital art world. A song will make me think of what I was working on and where I was at the time. Helps me concentrate if I find a good one and have it play continuously. Keeps me in one space for awhile I guess. And just in general helps drown out the bad memories that like to come punch me in the brain as well. Brings back the good ones, shits out the rest. You damn right it's cool.
I was commenting with someone last week about this, music on loop. I do it a lot when I'm writing (not Hive writing, I mean my book) as it can keep me in the right mood to write a particular passage, just like you say, take me back to a feeling or emotion and hold me there. It's a powerful tool.
Each blog is better than another blog I congratulate you
Thank you good sir, I appreciate your comment and kindness.
Be happy my friend keep enjoying the beauty of life
Great advice.
Thank you so Sr. ❤️
We all had those "bad times" in our life that we can never forget, I mean, it gave us lesson too so even if it is a bad times, we still get something from it. Not bad.
Those fond memories of yours are really cool, the memories I had while listening to some good music is while riding a tricycle, a trip to our home from school. It is a short travel but that's the memory that I treasure until now. That tricycle that big and loud speaker while playing Insomnia by Craig David, or a song by Katy Perry, Lady Gaga amd many many more. Its fun to look back at those memories, seriously.
It seems like you've had some good times of your own. I remember when Craig David released his first track (Fill me in)...I liked him back then and if I'm honest, still have a couple tracks in my playlists.
Music is a great friend to carry around right?
Hello @galenkp why am I facing downvotes on my posts from your side, Now I connect with people, I am more active. Upload only one to two posts a day, what am I doing wrong so that I can fix it.
When you put this comment on my post and got no answer you proceeded to drop many more of the same comments in a demanding and entitled way.
You subsequently dropped several more but have since deleted them for some reason...but don't worry, I see them because everything stays on the blockchain. Each comment gave me more conviction.
You then went over to the OCD Discord server and complained some more during which @derangedvisions responded to you. I won't respond there either because that is not the place to do so, as you were told.
Demanding answers or responses from others isn't a good way to get them, especially by spamming comments onto their posts as you have done with me. Your incessant commenting is creepy, spammy and childish, not to mention self-centred and irresponsible. I wonder how you act in real life when you do not get your own way? Probably the same I presume.
What you don't know is that I have had a death in the family two days ago so am not in the mood for your entitled behaviour or whining. Your needs are so low on my list of priorities that I can't even see them and I don't care, even one tiny bit, about you or your wants and needs. Do you understand me?
The blockchain allows people to add and subtract post rewards for the seven day period to payout and users are under no obligation to explain either. Have you ever posted multiple comments to someone who has upvoted you demanding why? The answer is no of course.
You are within your right to drop as many comments as you like though, you can spam comment on my posts all day long if you like; it is your right to do so and I haven't and won't ask you to stop. However, because you have that freedom you need to make peace with the fact that others also have the same freedom to act in accordance with their own wishes. That's how freedom works.
See how you use your freedom below? Others will use their's in ways commensurate to their wishes.
You are free to do as you wish, including demanding answers from users although the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.
Had you left it at one comment and waited for a response you might have gotten one, but when you began to drop comment after comment you demonstrated yourself to be a demanding and unreasonable person. This, coupled with the fact I have had a death in the family and have little tolerance for your brand of behaviour, removed any inclination I may have had to offer any explanations, but earned you a little prize as you would have seen on your post feed I'm sure.
I will give you some homework though.
If you can show me evidence of you multiple-spam commenting on the posts of everyone who has ever given you an upvote demanding to know why they upvoted you maybe I'll give you another response. It shouldn't be difficult for you, you're a spam-comment machine! It might also prove enlightening to discover why you got upvoted right?
I hope you read and understand this comment as I'll not enter into discussions about it. You wanted a response from me and you got one, you should be content with that. Let me remind you that you and your needs and wants are the very least important things in my life. Understand?
Hello @galenkp why am I facing downvotes on my posts from your side, Now I connect with people, I am more active. Upload only one to two posts a day, what am I doing wrong so that I can fix it.
Hello @galenkp why am I facing downvotes on my posts from your side, Now I connect with people, I am more active. Upload only one to two posts a day, what am I doing wrong so that I can fix it.
Hello @galenkp why am I facing downvotes on my posts from your side, Now I connect with people, I am more active. Upload only one to two posts a day, what am I doing wrong so that I can fix it.
Hello @galenkp why am I facing downvotes on my posts from your side, Now I connect with people, I am more active. Upload only one to two posts a day, what am I doing wrong so that I can fix it.
Hello @galenkp why am I facing downvotes on my posts from your side, Now I connect with people, I am more active. Upload only one to two posts a day, what am I doing wrong so that I can fix it.
Hello @galenkp why am I facing downvotes on my posts from your side, Now I connect with people, I am more active. Upload only one to two posts a day, what am I doing wrong so that I can fix it.
Hello @galenkp why am I facing downvotes on my posts from your side, Now I connect with people, I am more active. Upload only one to two posts a day, what am I doing wrong so that I can fix it.
Hello @galenkp why am I facing downvotes on my posts from your side, Now I connect with people, I am more active. Upload only one to two posts a day, what am I doing wrong so that I can fix it.
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Truly agree! bad times is always part of our journey, we don't have perfect life, but those bad times can lead us to a more better and a happy life :))
They certainly can indeed. Thanks for you comment, I appreciate it.
I think a lot of songs will have a special place in my heart following my recent trip to Melbourne for my sister in law's 40th. We did karaoke (in a booth, don't worry, we didn't hurt anyone else's ears) on New Year's Eve, and she and I share a taste in music that my mother in law and wife didn't quite.
A mixture of 90s grunge, punk, rock and metal.
It was my first experience with Karaoke, and I might just end up writing an entire post about how liberating the whole experience was.
I've never done karaoke myself, but have seen it done at private parties. I've rarely seen it done well but it was fun of course. That's the main thing I suppose, fun, and it certainly adds a different way to enjoy music. When you hear those songs in the future you'll be saying, remember that time in Melbourne...
Good times.
Just like that one time... at band camp
Lol, oh yeah...bloody flute.
A bloody flute, used a blunt force instrument of aggression in exchange for the kazoo solo of "My Heart Will go on"
My imagination needs to behave itself sometimes. :|
Haha...just the mention of the word kazoo makes me laugh. It is such a weird instrument.
Secret Santa gift for you is sorted. A kazoo.
Haha! I will play it annoyingly and with great exuberance.
45th story?? Wow, I’m on fourth (top) and the stairs are a drag, just can’t get used to them haha, I presume you had a lift 🫡 LOL
And what a tune! Uncle cracker Follow me! Hahah!! Takes me back. Very fitting for the topless wranglers 😂 awesome, very 90’s 👍
Surfs up!!
There were several elevators.
Sounds pretty perfect! Too be young and free and give zero fucks! Pretty much heard those tracks playing and pictured the whole thing! Man I loved that uncle cracker song and used to sing it all the time when it came in radio. Never really understood the context like that, kind you I was in high school! But oh well, everythings gonna be alright!
Man taking me back to some awesome times . In my early dating days with the husband and first years of marriage. We had an apartment in the beach. So after work most days and weekends always felt like this! Zero fucks given!
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Life gets more and more complicated as it passes I guess, certainly from child to teenager and early adult. It's the way of things. But times like I describe here are those little islands in that fsst-flowing river where we can find a little respite.
It's like you say about your beach just go there and it's like an escape. So great huh? Is there any music that defines those times for you?
Life does man. You get more serious about stuff, kids and shit needs to get done. But like you say, it's about making those memories that are worth remembering! Just sometimes a little more fucks are given!
The track that immediately comes to mind would closing time by semisonic. This was just a time filled with so many new beginnings and a key feature in our cruising soundtrack.
We agree on many things it seems and certainly that music is such a great accompaniment for life, and a good time machine also, taking us back to great times.
All Summer Long is a great tune. It evokes great emotions for me for reasons I'll never share, but I absolutely love it. Thanks for bringing that one up.
Sounds like a pretty good time was had when you were younger! Awesome stuff. Summers are still meant for road trips, loud music, and sunshine, though, doesn't matter the age. 😃
It's a great track right? It certainly puts one in the summer-vibes mood. Clearly it means something to you and that's cool.
Age doesn't matter indeed! I guess it comes down to attitude really. I mean, should I be in that situation today, as described here, I'd feel the same way.
I hope you're having a good week so far, hump day here for me...On the run down to the weekend.
Busy week here! Good, but dayum, been busy. Trying to turn some side-hustles into full-time-hustles without forgoing anything else that needs my attention.
Coffee, my friend. Coffee is currently my bestie.
Coffee...Ah yes, I had my share today, a long long drive north for a funeral and back again. Thanks coffee.
Turn up the music! The only thing I need is Coppertone suntan lotion, the smell of salt in the air, and little kisses on my neck.
Oh, summer!
Oh goodness me, sounds legit.
In the past when I had the restaurant in Tuscany I happened to take trips like this and right by the sea.
They weren't very long journeys since I could only stay there for one night due to work, but they helped me a lot.
Basically I went to Piombino, a seaside resort in Tuscany, two hours from the town where I lived and had a cafeteria; there I spent an evening with friends and Sunday entirely at the beach relaxing and it really helped me recharge my batteries!
Good times, good memories!
Yep, you get it! It's times like these that help recharge and pushing forward and whether it's a week or a weekend it doesn't matter, the feelings are the same. Piombino...I'll have to look it up now, see what it's like.
I long for that feeling again. Sometimes I fear it will not happen. That is ok. It has been replaced by the warm feeling of when I pull in the drive.
The dread of leaving for another turn is also suffocating.
Great Post Bro. And great tunes.
You know, it's possible to create the feelings I mention in this post at home and I think you're one who does so. It might be some chores and DIY around the house, a BBQ or some such thing, but the carefree feelings can be recreated. It's a state of mind. Yes, holidays are awesome, but creating similar feelings at home means we can enjoy them more often right.
Having said that, I need a fucken holiday bro.
You are soooo right.
One Holiday, comin' up !!
That's what I'm talking about and we have to try our best to be in the moment and enjoy ourselves and be chilled, as these kind of days and times are the things of memories for sure. I have a few days booked in the diary for Marbella with some of my best friends in late September, I can't wait. We did it last year too and hot the Canaries, and now we are thinking of making it an annual lads holiday, we are all married with kids so not often we get a chance to let the hair down together. We rent big Fuck off Villas and just enjoy ourselves as much as possible, life is for living and all that.
Quality trip man, hitting all the right notes for me and punctuated brilliantly by the tunes, which are really good for making memories stick even more, as it triggers not just the visual part of our brain, but the aural part as well, it makes sense..
Sister hazel - All for you is a great tune and a new one on me, perfect for drop top driving and zero fucks given..
Uncle Kracker - Follow Me - have not heard that one in a long time, good auld song that, always like hearing it.
Kid Rock - All Summer Long -- finished with a bang, what a cracker of a tune, proper good feel riff and tune..
I want to come to big fuck of villas too! 😭
I've been around for a while and yet I'm still amazed at how music can punctuate life so completely. That trip I mention here, other things just seems to complete our lives so well and bring us back to those times we valued. Thank goodness that it does too!
I'm glad you liked the tracks, I had fun doing this one as I remembered all the little bits about the trip that made it so great.