LeoGlossary Getting Into Music

We keep expanding the scope of LeoGlossary.

This is something that changed with the rebrand of Leo. While it was coming for a while, it finally arrived early in the week.

Since that time, some of the ideas that were floating around in my mind have been put into action. It is going to take a while to get a large enough team in place to complete the chore before us.

Nevertheless, we are starting the process.

Before getting into where we are, let us take a look at how this started.

LeoGlossary: The Beginnings

Around 14 or 15 months ago, LeoGlossary was born. This was a proof-of-concept to determine if we could create a glossary on the blockchain. What it would mean is a decentralized database that nobody could control.

At that time, the model followed was Investopedia. Since Leofinance was targeting that genre, it made total sense.

However, as we progressed, the eye was always on the king of them all, Wikipedia. This is the epitome of wiki sites, with the links getting into the billions.

That said, we have to start somewhere and the time was use to build a financial/crypto database of terms. There were some challenges along with way, most with the technology we were using. Development was grueling at times for Leo, causing delays.

For example, there were a number of months were the ability to edit the previously entries was not possible. This caused a step back as the focus at that time was expanding the previously created pages.

Throughout this year, we simply kept doing what we could while watching the development taking place.

The rebrand brought a lot of excitement while also opening up the door to other possibilities.

LeoGlossary And Music

There is no doubt that music goes deep with a lot of people. For that reason, under the LeoGlossary umbrella, there will now be music.

The first piece to this is a music community. It is called Music on Leo. Here is where people are free to post music in there single (song) or album form.

A single song can easily be posted in the threads section of the community.

Here is screenshot of one:

Notice how we embed the YouTube video into the thread itself. There are a few glitches with the site regarding videos which need to be resolved. If the YouTube video isn't showing, just the link, refresh the page. That will usually take care of it.

Addressing the video issue is on the team's to do list.

LeoGlossary is also setting up full albums. Here is the link to one of the that was done.

This is a sceenshot of the top of the page.

Beneath that is a write up about the album.

And finally all the songs from the album are embedded.

From the last image, you can see some of the technical challenges we are dealing with. As mentioned, this was forwarded to the development team so hopefully it will be revealed soon.

Pages and Views

So why do this?

To start, LeoGlossary is database. It is designed to be a reference where people can find information.

The move into music is for a couple reasons. It allows for more linking as these pages are created. With music, there are thousands of pages which can be developed over time. This keeps expanding the size of Leo.

We also are looking for a way to generate views. For the moment, this is nothing. What happens, however, if there are a couple thousands albums located on Leo in such a manner? Since this is all being housed on the blockchain, it can be pulled and sorted in any manner.

As such, my vision is to get this, along with the movie section, large enough to warrant incorporating it even more into the UI. This will take time but, as noted, we have to start somewhere.

Could there be a day when people actually search for music on Leo? This is the vision. Naturally, there will be other components needed and the overall search will have to improve.

Nevertheless, when looking at the long term, building those things that people use is vital. For now, getting the data on the chain is the first priority. We can figure out how to assimilate it later.

Moving to another phase.

What is Hive

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I would think an actual music front end like @blocktunes would be a better place for this instead of what is supposed to be a financial front end. I liked it better when Leo was just a financial front end and not trying to get in everyone elses business


The data is on chain. You can pull it from there. Incorporate all of this into what you are building.


I understand that, and if you use the music tag on the post it will show there, but it's all LEO'd up on the branding, lol.


I agree, I wish @blocktunes had better visibility on the #Hive Blockchain. Maybe you can jump on the #Hive shows like CTT and talk about it and @HiveHustlers and e-commerce which is greatly needed IMO.
Hive shops could benefit from @3speak shorts to promote products and waivo new social shopping experience.


I would if I got an invite to speak.


Don't wait to get it, just jump in!!
They do the spaces Saturday evenings on X.
DM @dantheman


The Friday This Week in Hive is open to anyone to come on and speak. It is spaces just get on and send a request to speak. It is open for anyone to share about what they are doing (or know what is being done) on Hive.


Wonderful initiative. I love the idea and concept of bringing music to InLeo.


We are working within the confines of what we have now. There are a lot of things operating under the LeoGlossary umbrella as I am realizing.


I think all this about LeoGlossary entering the world of music is a great initiative. This community is a great idea and I have already joined it. The only problem I see with the matter is solving the issue of videos that YouTube can block, because it doesn't take much for YouTube to alert itself that we are using its videos and ban the links we put on InLeo. So I propose a simple solution, which is to designate people to download YouTube videos and post them from 3Speak from where they should be linked. I don't know, it's just an idea, but it seems like a viable solution to me.


Maybe I spoke too hastily. I don't know if the 3speak thing I mentioned before can be done, but I mentioned it because I think I saw some threads where they shared videos whose links YouTube later banned. At least that's what it seemed to me. I myself find myself posting links to YouTube videos within LeoThreads, frankly, I love the initiative and I hope it continues to prosper @taskmaster4450le.


Oh wow, this sounds great. This is almost exactly the kind of work I am doing for my Web2 EDM media company -- reviewing and writing about new songs/albums as they are released. I could contribute to #InLeo by reformating and editing some of the work I've done there to be more in line with the style and tone of the compendium we are building here.

I guess my next step is figuring out the best practices to get going with my segment of the #music world -- Electronic Dance Music #EDM!
