Entre Canciones y Café / Between Songs and Coffee (ESP/ENG)

Parecía una tarde como cualquier otra frente al Ágora Coffee & Book en la Habana Vieja, Café que ve siempre lindos atardeceres envueltos de la magia q desprende el malecón habanero a esa hora del día.
It seemed like an afternoon like any other in front of the Ágora Coffee & Book in Old Havana, a Café that always sees beautiful sunsets wrapped in the magic it gives off the Havana boardwalk at that time of day.
Allí nos encontramos con el Duo Vida a cargo de @rikardonaranjo quienes nos habían invitado a mi novia y a mi, junto con un grupo de afisionados al canto y la buena música dentro de los cuales también se encontraba @ernesto03 , ahí, a su peña habitual de las noches en ese Café. Todo pintaba genial y así fue.
There we met the Duo Vida led by @rikardonaranjo who had invited my girlfriend and me, along with a group of singing fans and the good music among which was also @ernesto03, there, at his usual night club in that cafe. Everything looked great and that's how it was.

Todo estaba listo y Rikar2 y Javi enaltecieron la atmósfera del lugar cantando hermosas canciones de su autoría, dejando un muy buen sabor de boca a los que allí nos encontrábamos.
Everything was ready and Rikar2 and Javi enhanced the atmosphere of the place by singing beautiful songs of their own, leaving a very good taste in the mouths of those who were there.

Luego le tocó el turno a los afiliados y la voz de mi novia @yhanningliw comenzó a inundar el lugar con su dulzura, la "Llorona" fue la canción que nos regaló en aquella ocasión. Una canción melancólica y dulce a la vez.
Then it was the members' turn and the voice of my girlfriend @yhanningliw began to flood the place with her sweetness, "Llorona" was the song she gave us on that occasion. A melancholic and sweet song at the same time.

Continuó la noche entre aplausos del público y canciones de los Artistas invitados, canciones propias, hermosas canciones también de otros artistas como Pablo Alborán, Ricardo Arjona, Jesse y Joy, etc. Todo el ambiente estuvo perfecto, acogedor como lo saben hacer en ese lugar y endulzado entre la buena música y el azúcar del rico café.
The night continued between applause from the public and songs from the guest artists, their own songs, beautiful songs also from other artists such as Pablo Alborán, Ricardo Arjona, Jesse and Joy, etc. The whole atmosphere was perfect, cozy as they know how to do in that place and sweetened between the good music and the sugar of the delicious coffee.

Concluyendo la tertulia nos tomamos un selfie con el prestigioso actor cubano Jorge Enrique Caballero quién tuvo el placer de escuchar las interpretaciones de Duo Vida y el resto de los aficionados y a su vez ellos, o mejor dicho, nosotros, de contar con su presencia entre el público.
Concluding the gathering we took a selfie with the prestigious Cuban actor Jorge Enrique Caballero who had the pleasure of listening to the performances of Duo Vida and the rest of the fans and in turn they, or rather, us, to have their presence among the public.

Luego del café acabamos la noche como no podía ser de otra forma, con un paseo, entre historias y risas, por la orilla del malecón habanero.
After coffee we ended the night as it could not be otherwise, with a walk, among stories and laughter, along the shore of the Havana boardwalk.

Noches como estas creo que todos las necesitamos de vez en cuando, donde abunda la diversión sana, la buena compañía y las buenas historias, formando buenos lazos con las personas con las que compartimos, lazos que duran por siempre.
Por hoy me despido, soy Rafa Sanz y es un placer compartir mis historias con esta gran comunidad. Un abrazo grande.
I think we all need nights like these from time to time, where healthy fun, good company and good stories abound, forming good bonds with the people we share with, bonds that last forever.
For today I say goodbye, I am Rafa Sanz and it is a pleasure to share my stories with this great community. A big hug.

Autor: rafasanz93
Instagram: https://instagram.com/rafa_sanz93?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
Traducción: https://translate.google.com
Hello @rafasanz93
Seeing the famous wall along the seafront brought back so many memories of the time I spent in Havana. It's great to see you showcasing so much happiness amongst Cubans: coffee, music, sunset, and just happy smiley faces.
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Have a love day or night!
Oh thank you very much, I am trying to convey my own emotions with each post, and that you reacted like this pleases me very much. You have given me excellent advice, I have been doing it, but I will try to be more active and contribute something with my comments as you have done with me right now. Nice night or nice day hahaha
This is a nice reply from you in return 😊
You'll get there eventually:)))
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