Hive Open Mic Week #240 | Fly me to the Moon - Bart Howard (Cover) by @yisusth

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A warm greeting to everyone in this beautiful global community. For Hive Open Mic Week #240 we explore the theme: "Flying". I have the pleasure of sharing my trumpet performance of "Fly me to the Moon", an incredible jazz classic composed by Bart Howard in 1954. My favorite version is Frank Sinatra's, and perhaps one of the most popular in the film industry. The key is F Major, and the harmonic progression is II-V-I. I love the melody, it is extremely elegant, and charming. The rhythm is moderately slow within a 4/4 time signature with a steady pulse. The lyrics speak of the desire to escape reality and fly to the moon. I believe that people connect with this piece of music because of the need to disconnect from the worries of life, and everyone's desire for a love that lasts for eternity.

Spanish | Español (click here)

Un cordial saludo para todos en esta bella comunidad global. Para el Hive Open Mic Semana #240 exploramos la temática: "Volar". Tengo el placer de compartir mi performance con la trompeta de «Fly me to the Moon», un increíble clásico del jazz compuesto por Bart Howard en 1954. Mi versión favorita es la de Frank Sinatra, y quizás una de las más populares dentro de la industria del cine. La tonalidad es Fa Mayor, y la progresión armónica es II-V-I. Me encanta la melodía, esta es sumamente elegante, y encantadora. El ritmo es moderadamente lento dentro de un compás de 4/4 con un pulso constante. La letra habla del deseo de escapar de la realidad y volar a la luna. Considero que las personas se conectan con esta pieza musical por la necesidad de desconectarse de las preocupaciones de la vida, y del deseo de todos, de un amor que perdure por la eternidad.


Foto de Daniel Wirtz en Unsplash

Music has the power to disconnect us from the worries of this world. There are songs that are like taking you to the moon and make you feel free, relieved and hopeful. It is easier to listen to than to play, especially because one feels the tension of doing it well and avoiding mistakes as much as possible. Once you record and see the final product, then you feel satisfied. Now one of the challenges of the artist is perfectionism. I consider that this is different from doing things perfectly. Perfectionism is like an exaggerated desire for everything to go well, and this always happens when you are not satisfied with the results. In contrast to perfectionism is mediocrity. I believe that one must seek a balance in life to do things optimally, without perfectionism or mediocrity generating frustration, anxiety and worry.

Spanish | Español (click here)

La música tiene el poder de desconectarnos de las preocupaciones de este mundo. Hay canciones que son como llevarte a la luna y te hacen sentir libre, aliviado y esperanzado. Es más fácil escuchar que tocar, sobre todo porque uno siente la tensión de hacerlo bien y de evitar al máximo las equivocaciones. Una vez que grabas y ves el producto final, entonces te sientes satisfecho. Ahora uno de los desafíos del artista es el perfeccionismo. Considero que esto es diferente a hacer las cosas de manera perfecta. El perfeccionismo es como un deseo exagerado de que todo salga bien, y esto siempre ocurre cuando no te sientes conforme con los resultados. En contraste con el perfeccionismo, está la mediocridad. Creo que se debe buscar un equilibrio en la vida para hacer las cosas de manera óptima, sin que el perfeccionismo o la mediocridad te generen frustración, ansiedad y preocupación.


Fly me to the Moon

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
And let me see what spring is like
On a-Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby, kiss me

Fill my heart with song
And let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you

Fill my heart with song
Let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, in other words
I love you

Fuentes / Sources

ImagesObtained in Unsplash
Lyrics“Fly Me to the Moon” by Frank Sinatra & Count Basie on Genius
Thumbnail & BannerMade with Adobe Creative Cloud Express
GifsCreated with EZGif
Specific informationSong Hall
Original SoundtrackFly Me To The Moon (2008 Remastered) (11).gif


Nice performance sir


This song has it all, passion, romanticism, simple yet captivating lyrics. I'm so glad you chose it and shared it in the community, this is the perfect week for it. Thank you very much for sharing this excellent cover on trumpet Jesus, happy weekend!...


Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed the song. It's always a pleasure to share music that evokes such strong emotions. I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well!


This is such a good one man, lovely jazz. I totally enjoyed this performance, you always deliver nothing short of top-notch and classic performances. Thanks for giving us a free concert here 😊 🕺💃.


Hey Bro, thanks so much for the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed the performance. It's always a pleasure to share my music with people who appreciate it. Thanks for listening and keep on grooving! 🎶


You're welcome man...keep being awesome 😎


Saludos amigo @yisusth como siempre un excelente trabajo, muy cierto lo que dices en tu escrito la música tiene ese poder de llevarte a dónde tú quieres y escaparte de tantas preocupaciones y hasta cambiarte el estado de ánimo. Felicidades 🥰👏👏👏👏💜💛💞


Querida amiga @nellynohemi, .Muchas gracias por tu comentario. Me encanta que compartas tu amor por la música. Ha sido un placer compartir mi talento en la comunidad. Un gran abrazo amiga. ❤️
