All My Tomorrows - Frank Sinatra (Cover) by @yisusth
Hello everyone, my name is Jesus and I'm glad to be part of the #Music community. I'm pleased to share my trumpet rendition of "All My Tomorrows", a Jazz standard composed by Jimmy Van Heusen and Sammy Cahn made popular by Frank Sinatra. This ballad is in the key of C Major, with a simple chord progression and occasional chord suspensions. The song is in 4/4 time, with a moderate tempo and uses syncopation which adds a swing and groove style. My favorite version is Sinatra's because he adds a lovely, stylistic phrasing with rubato, which means he sings freely within the bars. The lyrics speak to us of two antagonistic aspects of life: hope and uncertainty. In short, the longing for a better future, the recognition that dreams can be fragile and that changes are inevitable.
Spanish | Español (click here)
Hola a todos, mi nombre es Jesus y me alegra ser parte de la comunidad de #Music. Tengo el agrado de compartir mi interpretación con la trompeta «All My Tomorrows», un estándar de Jazz compuesto por Jimmy Van Heusen y Sammy Cahn popularizado por Frank Sinatra. Esta balada se encuentra en la tonalidad de C Mayor, con una progresión de acordes sencilla y con suspensiones de acordes ocasionales. La canción está en compás de 4/4, con un tempo moderado y usa sincopa que añade un estilo swing y groove. Mi versión favorita es la de Sinatra porque le agrega un fraseo encantador, estilístico y con rubato, que significa que canta con libertad dentro de los compases. La letra nos habla de dos aspectos antagónicos de la vida como lo son la esperanza y la incertidumbre. En resumen, el anhelo por un futuro mejor, el reconocer que los sueños pueden ser frágiles y que los cambios son inevitables.
I wish material things were eternal and didn't get damaged. But we live in a fragile world, full of wear and tear and imperfections. Before, you bought something and it lasted for many years, and it was even inherited by your children and family. A family bought a refrigerator and it was passed down from generation to generation. Of course, we live in a world that is more inclined towards consumerism and materialism. Things last less and less. Before, people bought a cell phone and it rolled on the ground, and I think it could open a crack in the asphalt and nothing would happen to it. My father had a Chevrolet Nova for many years, and that car was almost indestructible. Once it was hit by a new car, and although the culprit was the driver of that vehicle, the new car was left useless and horribly crashed. You have surely heard the term planned obsolescence. It is a product of savage capitalism, things have an expiration date sooner than we expect. I am glad that music is something that lasts forever. Years go by and many songs remain in people's hearts.
Spanish | Español (click here)
Quisiera yo que las cosas materiales fueran eternas, y que no se dañaran. Pero vivimos en un mundo frágil, de desgaste e imperfecciones. Antes uno compraba algo, y duraba muchos años, y hasta lo heredaban los hijos y la familia. Una familia compraba una nevera, y pasaba de generación en generación. Claro, vivimos en un mundo que más se ve inclinado hacia el consumismo, y el materialismo. Cada vez las cosas duran menos. Antes las personas compraban un celular, y este rodaba por el piso, y creo que podía abrir una grieta en el asfalto y no le pasaba nada. Mi padre por muchos años tuvo un vehículo Chevrolet Nova, y ese carro era casi indestructible. Una vez lo chocó un carro nuevo, y aunque el culpable era el chofer de ese vehículo, el carro nuevo quedó inservible y horriblemente chocado. Seguramente habrán escuchado el término obsolescencia programada. Es producto del capitalismo salvaje, las cosas tienen fecha de caducidad más pronto de lo que esperamos. Me alegra que la música sea algo que dure para siempre. Pasan los años y muchas canciones perduran en el corazón de las personas.
All My Tomorrows
Today I may not have a thing at all
Except for just a dream or two
But I've got lots of plans for tomorrow
And all my tomorrows belong to you
Right now it may not seem like spring at all
We're drifting and the laughs are few
But I've got rainbows planned for tomorrow
And all my tomorrows belong to you
No one knows better than I
That luck keeps passing me by
That's fate
But with you there at my side
I'll soon be turning the tide
Just wait
As long as I've got arms that cling at all
It's you that I'll be clinging to
And all the dreams I dream, beg, or borrow
On some bright tomorrow
Will all come true
And all my bright tomorrows belong to you
Fuentes / Sources
Images | Obtained in Unsplash |
Lyrics | “All My Tomorrows” by Frank Sinatra on Genius |
Thumbnail & Banner | Made with Adobe Creative Cloud Express |
Gifs | Created with EZGif |
Specific information | Great American Songbook |
Original track | All My Tomorrows (2008 Remastered) |
Backing track | All My Tomorrows Trumpet Clarinet Sheet |
▶️ 3Speak
This is so cool and calm bro, I love how you applied your professional skill to creating something so sweet as this. Kudos bro.
Hey bro. Thanks a lot for stopping by. I listened to your performance at Music Zone a while ago and it was great. It was a nice experience recording this song.
You are welcome bro.. ohh! Thanks so much brother I feel so motivated 🙏.. I am still learning from your feet, I hope you know that?
Amigo muy linda interpretación, es una bella melodía la que nos traes hoy. Así es amigo desgraciadamente, que bueno que la música es algo que perdura por muchos años, porque en el mundo que hoy se vive todo viene con fecha de caducidad, y no solo hablo de las cosas materiales, hablo en el amplio sentido de la palabra, los tiempos han cambiado mucho. Un saludo y muchas gracias por regalarnos esta obra musical tan bonita. Feliz día y muchas bendiciones.
Gracias por tu comentario, amiga. Es un honor que te haya gustado esta pieza. ¡Así es! La música es un regalo eterno. Me alegra que podamos conectar a través de ella. Feliz dia para ti.
Nice one man 😀👏
Thank you so much, man! 🎶🎺
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