One of my songs has won an award 🎉! Om Vrish Elle (Best Vocal Single at OMWR Awards) And some thoughts about Universe restoring balance


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I got good news today... just when I needed
My song Om Vrish Elle has won an award as Best Vocal single at the OMWR Awards
You can hear the announcement of me winning at the 2.03.20 mark from the Awards official Broadcast here:

Here is my winning certification:

Priscilla Hernandez 2022 Vocal Single 1st Place -640- by Priscilla Hernandez.jpg

You can also watch the music video of Om Vrish Elle here this is the song that as won the award here. I'm really proud of this one and I feel it has not been very recognized so I'm happy to have won an award with this one precisely.

And you can read an older hive article with the making of and story behind this song that I shared here when the song released last fall.

You can also add it to your playlists from SPOTIFY:

Universe always restoring the scales

Life is full of challenges and unexpected events, and It's not been easy on this end of late. I have been learning to adapt and still doing. But somehow through life I've found that the Universe is unique in restoring balance and triggering growth through times of change. And sometimes we evolve and move forward faster in the face of adversity as if it all were part of a bigger plan. Just when we found ourselves at the verge of discouragement something happens that balance the scale. Things happen and they sometimes forces us out of our comfort zone. So last month my recording studio broke and been almost a month trying to get it back on track again (thanks to you and my patrons on Investing in music is something I cannot afford at the moment, but it's also the way my soul heals and for the sake of my mental health I would not even consider to give up. I have to make the effort, and then I got this award today, and some lovely encouraging messages, and my partner has been working relentlessly for days to fix my studio so I can get back to work.
Not having been able to record this month has only reminded me HOW MUCH I love to do it.
I can only be grateful, despite all the difficulties...
Through them I also learn I really I'm all into this... wish PASSION

It's also sweet that they chose Om Vrish Elle as the one awarded BEST VOCAL SINGLE 2022, because I feel it was one of my favourites, but somehow I felt it was a bit unseen and underrated.
Curiously the song is about being connected with everything that there is, how can we feel small if we are, no matter how small, a part that makes the universe whole. So this little speck in the cosmos felt less small today.

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This song is a way of feeling for me... about grounding, centering, connecting and that's precisely what I've been doing.

My recording gear broke but it only reminded me how much I love creating music

I'm still going slow due to some health issue which forces me to go at a slower pace and rest, so I've been working at my pace but on top of it last month my recording studio broke. My main and rather expensive recording interface chip got burnt, RIP, totaled. It's served me well for many years, as it was a rather expensive reliable brand for a home studio, but sadly an excess of voltage broke my hard drive and recording audio interface. Silver lining I had a backup of all data, the projects are not lost. But the audio interface is not working anymore which rendered me unable to record for an entire month.

Fixing this proved to be a more complicated thing than I expected, not only because it's very expensive to buy a new one of the same brand but also because modern units are not compatible with my old workstation. Thus I tried to buy a second hand (no luck, bad first experience buying a second hand as it came broken too) and finally I have purchased a temporary fix for the second computer which forces me to upgrade operating system and having most of my old software not working and in need of updating. This will be a process but my partner has helped me to set up the basics so I can start going. In time I will buy a new RME interface. Tomorrow on I'll be be able to record vocals again and oh my I'm lagged behind on all the deadlines I had imposed on myself... but understanding now that there are things you cannot control. They just happen.


RIP FIREFACE :( You serve me well. One day I'll get another one but meanwhile sorting out a more affordable but functional fix.

A needed pause: Time off grid and losing a beloved pet

The studio mishap forced a halt, while we were trying to figure things out, trying to get a second hand fix (didn't work). I was in bad shape and so did one of my pet hens, so I decided to spend some time in the cabin. I found myself spending less time in socials, quietly doing the orchard chores, writing my songs, finishing lyrics, plotting, fixing my sleep schedule (not quiet there but better). So finally the pause was kind of pivotal in triggering again my creativity and productivity, averting a burn out.


Above: I spent great part of May quietly composing the old traditional way, with my cup of coffee, my instruments and an notebook. One of my pets was also sick and we knew it was not long left for her, so It was also quality time with her that I will always cherish. She passed away last weekend in my arms ( Good bye, Cariño. I will write more thoroughly about that in another post in her memory). By the way "cariño" is "affection or love" in Spanish

Since the beginning of the year everything has been a feverish blur in my mind, and me just trying to push and push forward, feeling unwell and guilty of not reaching the productivity I expected (new year goals are a double edged sword). Then the studio mishap happened . I'll write more about that on another post in her memory) but I decided to take an entire week off-grid, staying by the cabin, waking up early and tending to the hens, and writing songs in the garden. It was also Cariño's latest weeks so I'm glad I could spend quality time with her in the end.


Our cozy times by the hearth... I miss you, Cariño
One of our last pictures together:


Trusting the Universe

But more not in a way I expect things to come my way...
I will walk forward to my goals
At my own pace...

And Om Vrish Elle Remember you matter
You are one with "everything that there is" and right here and now in the Universe, you make the Universe complete.


I will upvote every meaningful feedback :) (proof of reading/listening)

Thanks for your support, please SHARE and encourage!

Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator



Sorry to hear about the chicken and the interface, but winning an award is great, so congratulations on that.


Thank you, it has been a rollercoaster of a time


Good memories are awards as well.


That forced pause allowed me to spend her last week 24/7 I thought we were both healing together but it could not be. I trained my hens just like my rats they even play the piano, I want to put an article about her but I thought this one was chaotic enough like my mind lately lol 🤣


I'm not even shocked your animals play instruments. Could be a sign chaos is becoming normal to me, again. Oh well. It can be fun, too.

Congratulations on receiving the sound award. Truly a wondrous sound you made there.


I have been blessed with the smartest animal companions ever. I used to have rats. And that's the way I learned to train them. I miss them so much so when I got the flock I started the train the feathered ladies to do the tricks and I was absolutely surprised about how smart and talented they are. They can even play apps on the phone and take selfie. People can like or dislike my music, lol but my hens are super stars. I have not been in the greatest levels of energy if not I would have loved to make a YouTube channel probably they would be more popular than I am which is understandable because they are as I say, mark my words, stars material

Ps. A little bit of randomness in life and cares is actually good. Entropy keeps on telling us that. It is the way things are. Or that is what I tell myself when I see my untidy studio. Lol
Thanks for the compliment to the song by the way I really appreciate it. I'm undergoing kind of a pase where I actually am truly grateful for the encouragement.


I'd probably watch The Chicken Show.

I once had a cat that obsessed over playing fetch with some specific toys it liked. I had to hide them otherwise I'd have to continuously throw them every 20 seconds since a cat is so much better at that game than a dog. No messing around. Straight to the point. I trained it to be like that but at the same time, the cat was a natural. Very smart for a cat.

Wild birds land on my fingers but I cheat by sitting still and holding seeds in my palm. Do that for a few days and they'll come on their own. Chickadees mainly. Squirrels as well but I try to leave them alone. They can be really demanding.

Had a weird thing happen about two weeks ago. I thought I heard a lost child in the woods. Sounded like someone calling out for help so I went to investigate. It turned out to be a magpie sitting up in a tree saying, "Hey mom? Mom? Hey mom?" Someone else I know heard it as well but didn't see it and of course didn't believe me when I told them. Nobody does but I'm okay with that. I just add it to the list of cool things that happened to me in life. It's getting quite long. No awards though! But that's okay.

And yes, it's important for life to get a bit messy sometimes. Without it you can't know when things are good since there would be nothing to compare the good to.


Awwwwww congratulations to you , you deserve this and many other awatds!

Way to go girl!!


Good for you on the award! Sorry to hear about the demise of studio and Carina. Glad you can take time to just be with these events.


I miss her so much and yes ehat an hectic month it was, but all is settling in


Congratulations on you award , you really deserve it , you put a lot of effort on your music and the videos, i know this will not be the last one!


Thank you, I am trying to regain motivation band I will not deny it does help 💙🎵 thanks for the lovely compliment


Many congratulations- you are well deserving!!
