Three songs by the Queen of Pop


Welcome to my #TTT #ThreeTuneTuesday entry!

Good evening, friends!

Later than usual, but here I am posting 3 tunes this Tuesday!

And as I couldn't do without some reverb, I'm going to take advantage of the traction and news that has echoed around the world about the mythical Queen of Pop music! Who could be indifferent to Madonna's eccentricity, originality and audacity....

A free concert on Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil two days ago managed to beat its previous record number of spectators. From the 130,000 who attended her concert in Paris in 1987, this time the singer had a whopping 1.6 million spectators!
Making the concert free of charge clearly had the expected result, and put the Queen of Pop's name and songs back on the agenda for the day!

I'm not a particular fan, or even a less active admirer, but truth be told, ever since I was a kid I remember watching the video clips that aired on Saturday morning programs, in which the woman obviously played the leading role, and her sensuality attracted everyone around her.

She had a voice with an unmistakable timbre, and the songs were designed so that the beats would wake anyone up from a lazy morning's drowsiness, leading even the laziest of people to lip-sync along to her songs.

I chose these three songs simply because they reminded me of the Saturday mornings when, in front of the TV, I used to watch music videos, no matter how bizarre they were.

One thing is for sure, Madonna leaves no one indifferent to her extravagance and originality!

Three Tune Tuesday.gif
GIF Image created in Canva with a free image from Pixabay

What other Madonna songs do you like the most?

The post goes for Three Tune Tuesday challenge run by @ablaze. Don't be a stranger, and join the musical weekly ride!

Bem Hajam 🎼




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