Good Times and Great Tunes

I remember watching TV when an ad for a washing soap came up and this song was used for the ad. This was over fourteen years back. Normally, advertising companies come up with their songs and so I just assumed that this song was composed by the washing soap company.


A few years later, I was searching for songs that could send people dancing and this song made it to the list. The title "I'm walking on sunshine" was a very familiar one so I decided to listen to it and viola, it was the one!

I listened to it over and over again as I grinned from ear to ear. This song is one very lively song that could make anyone happy at any time. If you doubt me, try listening to this piece when you're sad and you're definitely going to have a change of mood.

I'm walking on sunshine by Katerin and the Waves is a pop rock music released in the early eighties. I've mentioned the fact that I'm an oldie by heart and so falling in love with such songs is really the way for me. One other reason why I like the song so much is because of the energy that was put into it.

A person could sing a song that is intended to be a happy song but the lack of energy or effort just messes up everything. This song however had the perfect amount of energy; I mean, what would you expect from pop rock music?

This song has been on my mind for the better part of today because I needed to maintain the right kind of energy. Today was a big day for me as I was asked to give a speech on an assigned topic at a seminar. From experience, giving talks when in a negative mood always takes away the beauty from the talk.

Deep down, I felt that everything was going to be okay and I was going to do great. Was I right? You bet I was. From the smiles and reviews I got, I knew that I did well. This just filled me with so much joy. This takes me back to the very first day I mounted the stage to give a talk. Believe me when I say that it was a disaster. My voice was shaky, I was fidgeting and hitting the microphone. I was blinking too much and looking at the ceiling, it was so bad. Now, I blow bubbles and give speeches, hehe.


In general, today was an amazing day. It's been a long time since I had such a good time. However, they say that good things do not last so long. This three day seminar will come to an end by tomorrow. I look forward to many more seminars in the future.

In that light, I would like to share this song with everyone. This song is just the right song to show how elated I am at the moment. Today has just been filled with so much good news and joy. I hope this song has an impact on your mood as much as it does mine.

All images Used belong to me and were taken with my mobile device except stated otherwise.

Love, Wongi ✨


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 180 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


It was a good thing you had positive energy all through the seminar. It is not easy addressing a group of people. The song sounds cool, I will look for it and listen to it more.


I first heard this song in Barbie mermaid princess 😂😂😂

Also "Summer Sunshine."

Good ol' days 😂😂✨
