
What really is life?

This is a simple yet formidable question. A question with a million different answers; It only depends on one's perspective.


In less than a week, I have experienced, seen and even heard about people who have narrowly escaped death. Is that just a miracle? Or is there a lesson to be learnt from such an experience? Such near death experiences can lead to one thoroughly questioning themselves.

Just two days ago, I witnessed something serious yet hilarious. I feel the situation was hilarious to just me as every other person around seemed to take it too seriously.

Usually, when I return from lectures, I go directly to my bedroom to take a nap. This has been my routine for quite some time but on the said day, I decided to step out to receive some fresh air during my nap time. I didn't have so much to do and I really needed the fresh air so the idea was an appealing one.

Twenty minutes in, I saw a flock of people running towards my direction. Normally, I would sit to confirm why they were really running because a majority of people in my country run when no one is pursuing them, but I didn't hesitate. I sprang up, grabbed my phone and headed for the nearest shelter.

It was inside the room that I began questioning the people around me. “What happened?” “Why are we running?”

With just two words, a random stranger responded to my question..

“Cult clash.”

A mixture of fear and laughter built up in my gut as I realised the graveness of the situation. I live in a somewhat rough area and cult clashes are not a new thing. The twist however is that I've never been outside when any occurred so I usually just hear mere stories. Now, I was present in the centre of it all; what a thrill :)

Eventually, I navigated my way home and slept peacefully even with the loud gunshots. But sadly, every cult clash is usually accompanied by tragedy and best believe, tragedy struck but that is certainly a narration for another day.


However, the whole incident reminded me of “man down” by Rihanna. The song basically talks about a lady who regrets shooting a man in a moment of rage and this sounds awfully familiar to what happens during cult clashes.

I spoke briefly with a friend about the clash and we eventually concluded that a woman was involved somehow, somewhere. One can only wonder when the fight against brothers courtesy of women would stop.

With the themes of fear and guilt, “man down” gives listeners an idea of what these ‘clashers’ feel like at the end of the day. Guilt would certainly set in.

That aside, man down is a really powerful and emotive song that combines reggae and R&B. Personally, I feel that this combination is usually a hit when done right or what do you think?


In the meantime, do well to stay safe

All images used belong to me and were taken with my mobile device except stated.



😂, when people are running you have t run along also that my experience in Nigeria. Something serious and hilarious. Gunshot is dangerous. If I was in this experience I will be very scared. That God nothing bad happened


Yes dear,thank goodness nothing happened😄
