Let's talk about... best free vst plugins for music production // Winvanity music production course #1



Winvanity from this side... again.

ㅤAs I have been occupied with a bunch of internal affairs lately (maybe soon I will finally have a driver's license, at a time when driving a car is a miracle with me ;) ) I didn't manage to time this article a week apart from the last one, as I had previously planned, sorry. I decided due to lack of time that this article will not be part of the main course, but part of a side series of articles no longer about theory, but music production and the use of knowledge from the main part of my blog. Enjoy.

ㅤToday we will talk about plug-ins for music production that are completely free. To make good songs you don't need expensive sounds at all that you have to pay for.... a lot.

An electronic, avant-garde touch-up for your tunes - Vital


ㅤI chose vital as the first plug-in presented to you for a reason. This is the plug-in I use most often in my pieces. Access to free sound databases allows you to very precisely match sounds to the character of the song. Below you can see an example of using this plug-in as the main melody in my track.

(Unsupported https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/4FyRFBrkSrwNEzpCUaUFi9?si=b928f1e211674223)

ㅤYou can download the plug-in at this link, which I encourage you to do: https://vital.audio/

The personally most important sounds in my songs - spitfire audio LABS


ㅤThe title is not coincidental, LABS is a plug I use in the most personal pieces for me, such as those written for my future fiancée (I know you're not reading this anyway, but I love you, sunshine). It is surprising how natural the included sounds are. At the same time, let's not forget that this is a completely free plug-in. In my opinion, a must-have if you want to take care of having violin, piano or even choir sounds in your tracks.

(Unsupported https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/381SMXjCT6efXTwOz7kmEk?si=16269e389aeb4d94)

ㅤAnd, of course, I provide a download link if anyone is interested in this option: https://labs.spitfireaudio.com/

Or do you already have something on hand? - Flex


ㅤSometimes when looking for good sounds, you don't have to look far at all; if you use fl studio on a daily basis, you probably already have a plug-in called Flex downloaded with it. If you haven't tried it yet, it's really worth doing so. The included packs have a wide range of sounds - from natural instruments, to aggressive basses, to sounds used in electronic and experimental music. One of the plug-ins I've used for the longest time and has appeared in my projects since I started working on Spotify. A noteworthy item, browsing through the sounds many of which you will associate with uzasanan reason from my articles.

(Unsupported https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/1RWRaLXsZ6s2MeVUwZozFl?si=d67e802d2e014b9f)

Lo-fi cut for your listeners - vinyl


ㅤThis is something different from the plug-ins mentioned above. This add-on allows us to add noise and interference effects recognizable to old records and vinyl players to our song. If you specialize in Lo-fi music or are missing that ambient feel in your tracks that is in many compilations like "music for learning" or "music for sleeping" I recommend checking out this free alternative and an example of my use of it below.

(Unsupported https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/51bzC8uudAWr5u3yOBxsCQ?si=d3a0d13e449a497f)

ㅤAnd anticipating your search, a plug-in with a download link can be found here: https://www.izotope.com/en/products/vinyl.html

In a word of conclusion

ㅤI am already writing this on the day you read this article, reading everything again before publishing I think everything came out quite.... personal. I mentioned my driver's license, the current stage in my life, and my love. Maybe it's unprofessional but looking at the fact that it's not the main core of my blog, I can afford it a little. I feel tired, but happy. Allowing myself a little less professionalism in writing articles yet, I wish you my dear ones have more free time than I do now. I appreciate that someone is reading this and it gives me motivation to continue writing. Thank you for being here and I encourage you to read future articles. I haven't said my last word on free plugins yet. There is more to come and I plan to continue this side series if I find interest. Have a great day! Peace.


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