My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Maybe Darwin & The Bible Were Right?


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When I started this series and found those Dead Sea Scrolls I was impressed by the lack of rewrite pollution compared to the Bible. Often the same stories, but with very different details.

The devil may be in the details, but so is the light. Because the powers that be, the ones owning the bible have had thousands of years to rewrite that book to fit their plans, and they did.

Imagine my surprise when I found that there were older texts, text written 6000 years before Christ that seem to have an uncoincidental high percentage of similarity with the Book of Genesis.


Previously many sessions were looking for similarities between what was written in the Bible and said by Jesus compared to what we found in those scrolls. Scrolls often claimed to be the stories of those very close to the bearded dude with the cross.

I should one day write a summary of all these wonderful findings, and how they prepare us for that road to divinity,

But Not Today

Not today Dear Reader, today marks a new chapter in my findings. I went beyond that dusty Dead Sea scroll cave and I found an even more ancient source of truth. And that means that this source will have to compete with that older book, that Old Testament.

Nowadays that book is a complex compilation that blends historical events, religious teachings, moral lessons, poetry, and prophecy. If I would tear that combination apart one might say that the original book was a summary of historical events, because no story would be more compelling than mankind's history.

If I owned the rights to that story I could rewrite it in such a way that people would behave a bit more like I wanted them to. If I would give them faith, moral lessons, and religious teachings maybe, just maybe they would see it my way.

Of course that is all fantasy and no word within the Old Testament has been changed, bastardized, or borrowed. Or is that what they want us to believe?

For now, I will stick to The Book of Genesis, which pretty much was written down around 1500 before Christ, which is only 3500 years ago.

Fun Fact

Nowadays many movies and books are based on or borrow from other great pieces, and it seems that to keep everyone's attention span nice and tight back then people did the same.

It took a while to see it because the original Sumerian texts that seem to be the foundation for much of the Genesis stuff probably date back to 6000 BC.

It starts with the creation Narrative, the one about six days and then everything was created. But we have seen many texts that have proven that the whole creation of the universe was a bit more complex and had several so-called Gods involved.

The Apocryphon of John: Describes the emanation of divine beings, including Sophia, who plays a crucial role in the creation of the material world.

Earlier Sumerian mythology describes the creation of the world through the actions of gods, particularly Marduk, who defeats the chaos monster Tiamat and creates the world from her body. From Her Body!

You want another one?

I have more, so let's do one more this week and keep some for next time. How about that boat story, the one with all that water?

The Great Flood

The Bible (Genesis 6-9)
Noah's Ark: God decides to flood the earth due to human wickedness but spares Noah, his family, and pairs of animals by instructing Noah to build an ark.

Sumerian Texts
Epic of Gilgamesh: The flood story in the Epic of Gilgamesh, which is closely related to the Sumerian flood myth, tells of Utnapishtim (or Ziusudra in earlier Sumerian versions) who is warned by the god Ea (Enki) of an impending flood and builds a boat to save his family and animals. This parallel includes the construction of the ark/boat, the sending out of birds to find dry land, and the eventual resting of the vessel on a mountain.

But it gets so much better, we had the scroll talking about the Demiurge, Yaldabaoth, a lower god creating the material world and mankind. Yaldabaoth and the Archons (his subordinate rulers) fashion Adam out of matter but cannot give him life.

The Sumerian Eridu Genesis text includes a creation myth where the gods create humans from clay to serve them, similar to the biblical creation of Adam from dust.

Now here is where it gets interesting. These Gods that created the humans were lower gods, just like the Demiurge and its Archons. These lesser gods were called the Igigi.

The higher gods the Annunaki.

Those who came from the heavens

Annunaki, in Sumerian, means those who came from the heavens to the earth.
Sky people?

The Anunnaki are depicted as gods involved in the creation of the world and humanity. They are considered to be descendants of An (also known as Anu), the supreme deity of the heavens, and Ki (also known as Ninhursag), the earth goddess.

The Earth Goddes? The one that was beaten and from her body the world was created?


Dear Reader, keep in mind that these Sumerian texts were written at least 5000 years before the Dead Sea scrolls and that kids nowadays have a hard time remembering what the 2nd World War was about. Just to give you some perspective on the matter. Because stranger things are coming.

What If I Fell From The Sky To Earth

Annunaki, those who came from the heavens to the earth.

If I come from the sky to this weird planet, and I am smarter than everyone else, will I do the work...or create something to do the work for me? I only have what I brought with me, and nothing to power the tools I brought. Still, I am used to comfort and I don´t want to be trapped in such a rural place as Earth 15.000 BC.

The Sumerian texts that were used for The Epic of Atrahasis speak about the Iggigi being burdened with the task of laboring to create the infrastructure of the world, such as digging canals and tending to the earth.

The Iggigi don´t feel like working instead they rebel. The Annunaki see that it´s too much for these lower gods and use a mix of clay and the blood of a slain god as the basis of the first human. The chosen god is often identified as a rebel god or a god who embodies aspects of intelligence or purpose.

This mixture of clay and divine blood is animated through ritual, imbuing the new beings with life and a portion of divine essence. They created the humans in their image so they could easily do what the Gods did not want to do themselves. Therefore it helps having hands and feet.

Humans have no other purpose than to work, and so it still seems today. The only thing they overlooked was that bit of Deviance. They used the intellect and blood of a slain rebel God. Therefore humans will always have this duality if someone would ask me.

With more modern eyes

You all know how I love to look at things with more modern eyes and make sense of nonsense because clay...seriously¿ Is this a kid's story or what, did they truly buy that?


In the Sumerian creation story, particularly in the "Eridu Genesis," the word commonly translated as "clay" can have alternative interpretations, including:

Mud: Not making sense either

Soil: Soil is more fertile but still a bit dusty.

Earth: Made from the God's blood and something of this earth, like a monkey maybe?

A monkey has arms, legs, and even a brain and it would prove that both the Bible and Darwin were correct.

Because yes we evolved, but we got help from some biological engineer from outer space, yes from outer space Dear Reader. You were not thinking that these Annunaki, those who came from the heavens to the earth and their slaves were real gods.

They were sky people, with knowledge of things we only just started to understand. They certainly were not human, but the term sky people or those who came from the sky to earth do not imply any divinity. It was more like they were stranded at some bumpkin pebble in space and made the best of a bad situation.

Bikini Bottom Line

There are just so many similarities between these Sumerian texts and the Old Testament but also connecting these ideas to many other popular beliefs. It feels like everything originates from the same story and I am getting closer to the origin.

There is a bit more but I don't want to bore you yet, but let's see next week if there are more clues revealing that humans might have been created from alien DNA.

Thank godness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

Previous Sunday School Sessions

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My Musical Sunday School Sessions - 𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐉𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐎𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲?
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[Source Pic](All by MyI & AI)

Disclaimer One: The texts I use for these sessions are real, although like many scholars my ignorance and arrogance might cause me to misinterpret things, or explain things from my limited perspective. I therefore appreciate all critical feedback.

Disclaimer Two: I think everyone has a right to believe, and a right to disagree. I try to take a light philosophical approach and add some humor. If you're offended please check yourself, because being offended by something written by a simpleton as WhyWhy is a signal that you might have bigger issues.

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