Midnight Gems -Your Free Mix-Tape Show - E 55 "Sick Cigarettes & Daughter Slaughters"



For those of you who are new to my MidNight Gems series. Welcome to this nightly trip on which we will uncover & recover some amazing songs & covers.

Last week I went beyond my comfort zone, and I really enjoyed it. Today I will go uncomfortably deep into my comfort zone.... hope you can handle it Dear Reader.

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I am very much aware that I chose female voices above male....
But If you ask me about my favorite voices there is only Tori, among Leonard Cohen, Nick Cave, Peter Steel, and this guy....
This guy is from England, and I have been a fan since day one, or at least ALBUM ONE and I still am. I have been playing his solo albums a lot while writing this last week because in my never-ending story, Love is Dead.

I guess I am a sucker for Brett and a good orchestra.

Brett Anderson - Love Is Dead

Talking about being British and a good orchestra, this guy ain´t Brett but he´s been known to play with the Artic Monkeys, although I prefer his solo work above any of his colabs. This really takes my mind to places it doesn´t visit frequently, what a blast.

Bill Ryder-Jones - This Can't Go On

Okay, I did two guys and I promise I will have even more masculinity next week, but now I fall back on to a nad habit. A habit I quit long ago, no not girls...duhh...cigarettes. And no she´s also not British, but she´s new (sort of) and sounds freaking familiar.

Louisa Stancioff - Cigarette

And when I say she sounds familiar it´s not just the cigarette part, it´s the whole vibe of the song that rings many bells. And one of those bells was this little gem, a gem that was actually featured in the first Midnight Gems Sessions.... like 150 weeks ago...at least. So you are forgiven if you do not remember.

Cigarettes After Sex - Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby

Elsiane is also not from the UK, but I guess you heard that already. The thing is she doesn´t sound Canadian either it feels like there is something way more native there and I have no clue what she looks like but I think her growing up in Peru is still audible.....

But No One Cares, this is just awesome, voice and compensation, please check out the channel as there are more musical diamonds there,

Elsiane - Loneliness

Spoiler Alert
If you are not a big fan of a little life juice, or just can´t stand the sight of blood, skip this little Bambi song. It´s not as said as the Disney movie but it gets close. I know I featured Bambi last week but she kept haunting me...every night she came into my dreams....asking for more... so hope I can sleep easy now after giving in to her.

Daughter Slaughterer – Bambi Baker

And now for something totally less scary.... you wish.
Who rule the world....
Well, my world was ruled by Bambi but I guess she is part of this rat pack.
Damn, there is so much good music out there that you will never find, if I wasn´t looking for it each and every week.

færy - blýth

I mean did you ever hear of Torres, because they have been around. I am bowing down to the producer, this is a wall of sound that can´t be broken with a sledgehammer while it´s not overdone. It´s very well-balanced and sick as Fluff. I can see Satan coming up from hell, entering the room, and telling Putin "I am here to Collect!" (Feel free to replace Putin with any bloody bastard you do not like he was just used as an example, he should know it´s not personal and that I dislike most humans)

TORRES - Collect

Again I am not gonna kill my darlings by saying this next song is the biggest Gem I found this week, I take handpicking these songs freaking seriously, so I like them all...but Castle Rat is speshal...

They look and sound like they walked away from the late 80's but got remastered. I mean she walked away from the Conan The Barbarian set right, and the quality of that vid is so early MTV. But then all hell breaks lose and the Seven Army March on steroids begins.

Castle Rat - “Fresh Fur”


I just had a hard time choosing between two Torres songs so I added the new one to the set and the old one as an encore.

TORRES - Strange Hellos

Youtube Playlist.

All these gems were added to this week´s YouTube playlist.

All Midnight Gems Playlist can be found here

Spotify Playlist:

The Spotify playlist might not capture the whole show but is meant to represent it as well as Spotify makes it possible:


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Riddle Me This

Guess What, my riddle was not solved.

That is two weeks in a row and the songs were so similar, guess no one actually remembers.

Just FYI it might also be because you can no longer win a dollar boost, that made it so much more fun. Such a shame I miss those Eceny Boost days already.....but life moves on and well it´s not worth crying over spilled dollars, I guess.

What the fluff is Midnight Gems?

Somewhere lost in time, trying to escape out of the rabbit hole back into the rat race there is a vacuum..... that´s the place where midnight gems are found.

My Midnight Gems will try to uncover & recover those beautiful songs that nobody ever noticed or might have been forgotten.

Who the fluff am I?

Being a former DJ playing about everything and having an uncompleted study of radio journalism. I have been wanting to do this for years...Thought about it many nights and guess now it´s time to finally take it to the streets.

Hope you enjoyed this well-known wave of fantastic music and that you still feel like joining me on the next Midnight Gems Session coming soon.

Tag List

@beeber @mypathtofire

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Louisa Stancioff's "cigarette" is really cool. I guess I've found another great song to be added to my playlist.

It's that kind of song you'd want to play on a long trip under the thundering sounds of raindrops smacking against the side windscreen. Nice ✨


Awesome, I like it so much if someone discovers a great song between my Gems and yes it is a great road trip song indeed!


Your gems are quite nice, it gives us a variety of options to choose from and that's cool💯


It´s my gift to the world !LOLZ
But indeed I like to provide a nice little cohesive setlist so people can discover cool and interesting songs they otherwise probably never hear.


You know what I realized the other day? I was listening to one of your playlists and after it was finished Spotify started playing different songs based on the ones you picked. Some of them were really good. It was fun going on that extra journey.


That is really whywhy I get into that rabbit hole myself every week or well throughout the week. To dig up those gems myself and share the best with y´all but often those artists have so much more good stuff. Really great, maybe you should do a TTT on those songs and let me see where my suggestions took you.


I might have to do that one day!


You did not give any clue on Friday?


But I did;

That is two weeks in a row and the songs were so similar, guess no one actually remembers.

Based on that I thought ìt would be too obvious as I spelled it out !LOLZ


Ok now I feel even more dumb and I know I will soon feel like an idiot when I see the final answer. Still kudos for stumping us all :)

As for the points… I for one will keep trying to solve this cause it makes for a fun diversion in middle of a busy week


Happy to hear that and I was thinking the same, it´s fun first prizes second and did you feel like a fool seeing the answer of last two weeks? !PIMP
