Mʏ Pᴀᴛʜ Tᴏ Dɪᴠɪɴɪᴛʏ & Eɴʟɪɢʜᴛᴇɴᴍᴇɴᴛ - Who Am I Behind the Mask?




When I started this post I thought it would take me only one article to take you on a trip through the tests that lead to divinity and towards enlightenment if you prefer a less biblical term.

As often is the case... I was wrong.

The Lore

I was looking for great tunes when I came across a very inspiring video which I will share in a bit.

What surprised me most was that this video talked about spirituality and enlightenment and above all seven tests. Seven Tests which sounded familiar, I thought I heard all of this before.


And I did...I did hear all of this before.

And probably more than once.

The Same Old Story

Their tests reminded me of my own tests (more about that later), but above they were similar to the teachings Jesus left with Mary The Harlot.

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Hail Mary The Harlot

If you read the scrolls correctly Jesus gave Mary a couple of teachings.
Lessons he did not share with anyone else.

We know she was his favorite because she washed his feet, but I think there was more.

I think that Mary was the only disciple who would have at least undergone most, if not all of the tests. And only those that went through darkness and see the universal picture should teach.
All others are nothing more than a coach.

During those Sunday Sessions, I often mentioned how I like the lessons her Gospel holds....

They reminded me of my own lessons, but I needed this video to see that the modern spiritual teachings are almost if not fully identical to the Seven Wraths of Mary.

The Seven Wraths

To enter the divine realm one should overcome these seven wraths:

    • Ignorance and Spiritual Blindness
    • Desire and Attachment
    • Ego and Self-Identification
    • Fear and Doubt
    • Anger and Resentment
    • Pride and Arrogance
    • Delusion and Distraction

In the Mary post and Lets Talk About Sin I touched on how I have been moving through the realms, and completing levels to reach what her scroll called divinity.

The Divine Path

I like that wording "Path of divinity", and if you prefer to not believe you can call it the path of enlightenment. Because both roads will lead you far beyond Rome.

We have been taught & told these lessons since the beginning.

And after digging into these sacred teachings that were handed by Jesus to Mary, should I still see the Father as this bearded guy on a cloud?

Or was the Father just another parable? Telling us to have faith in something bigger, that there is something safe and fatherly protective?

Something that requires us;

  • To let go.
  • To see the beauty, even in moments of darkness.
  • To accept whatever will be thrown at you and on your path.
  • To rise above physical wanting, and the human need to control the uncontrollable.
  • To go beyond where most human minds dare to go and accept that the universal truth is out there.

Did I lose you, Dear Reader?

Then let me tell you a bit about my own journey of becoming less human and more humanversial.

The Video I mentioned

I found there is a whole movement regarding these so-called chosen ones and I have not dived into it as of yet. So let me tell you what I think about them before I do. Then maybe I change my mind over the next couple of weeks, and keep you posted.

The Chosen Ones

I guess I understand why some might call them The Chosen Ones, those who can see beyond the limitations of being human.

Those who always seem to stand straight and can deal with every situation in an almost serene manner.

Those that give you a feedback that takes weeks if not years to digest, but trust me they were not chosen. At least not by anyone but themselves.

The fact that they seem untouchable by those things that would leave us normal humans gutted, is because they learned how not to be affected by FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt).

They chose the hard road out of human hell for themselves before birth, if you like to believe that. Or during their lives, if that makes it easier to believe.

That hardest out-of-hell road is filled with the most difficult tests.

The Tests

At the start, you are not aware that you have chosen this road for yourself.

But if you chose this road, you knew you would be ready. For the simple fact that only those who are ready will be allowed to make the choice.

That sounds funny doesn´t it, I did not get it when I was told that. But I do now.

Now means after feeling different and out of tune with so many for so long.
Now as in, now that I shut up and listen.
Now that the story and the tests finally started making sense.

Test 1 - Who Am I Without The Mask?

We all wear masks, and I love it when you tell that to someone and they go "What Mask?"

Not sure if they are just foolish or scared shitless to take a long hard look at themselves and see:

If I am not my job,
I am not my possessions,
I am Not My Status,
If I am not all that, who am I?

Dont Be Human

Oh before we go any further, please don´t be human.

Don´t think that tests come chronologically, just know that they come and that you will start to recognize them....mostly when they already happened.

TBH I thought I passed this Test One;

And still, I was told recently to learn to get to know myself.

Now that is a bit different from taking the first scary look at your true self, but it's just to show how completing some of these tests can take ages.

Years ago, when I first was confronted with this test of understanding who I truly was, they kept bringing up EGO as if it was one of my multiple personalities.

When I say they, back then they were the voices living outside my head and later moving into my head without paying rent of course.

Because enlightenment has nothing to do with making money.

Which is how you tell the true light from the fake light-headed.


Ego is a person's sense of individuality or self. Or rather the mind's attachment to identity, pride, and the illusion of separateness from others and the universe.

Ego, when overly dominant keeps us trapped in materialism, fear, judgment, and self-centered thinking.

Does this sound familiar?

Was that not a large part of the teachings Jesus left Mary with?

*** Something about, Ego and Self-Identification at the root of Ignorance and Spiritual Blindness.***

Me & My Monkey Called Ego

If I had dared to take that long hard look at myself in the mirror back then I might have seen EGO staring back at me.

But I got it all wrong from the start. My definition of Ego sucked, even though I indeed included: materialism, fear, judgment, and self-centered thinking.

I had it all backward, and I did not see the multiple possibilities because I was caught in self-centered thinking.

I was like, what fear I am fearless, at least more fearless than most.
I moved out of the house at 18.
I tried the craziest shit.
I got up on a huge ass stage and made it work.
I moved to another country letting go of my comfort zone.... what fear?

Backward as I said and did not see that Fear and No Fear are the same side of the coin.

Back then I thought I had no fear, but in truth, I feared judgment.

Backward again, as I thought judgment referred to judging others but I now see that judgment was all about how I was judging myself.

I judged myself to be a loser who was winging it.
Who kept flying by the seat of his pants.

Top Gun Parable

I was Maverick without Goose and without the Top Gun Acadamy.

Hell, I did not know that the Acadamy just opened and that Goose who always had my back, just started whispering in my ear.

It was as if I had not achieved anything.
I just did not see it.

If I had looked harder in the mirror of my soul I would have seen a little boy standing next to EGO.

Me, Myself, and EGO

The Little Boy

Who´s that boy and why was he hiding?
I had done crazy stuff.
I had done things guys my age would dream of.

If I had really looked, I would have seen this boy.

He hid because he never thought he was good enough, because he had no clue what good looked like.

Well, he did a little.

Good was Tom Cruise in Top Gun, but he was no Maverick.

Looking back now, the man looking at the boy in the mirror was Maverick.

He went to places only the best would go, and he ended up being Top of his class.

He just did not know.


Doing The Jim Thing

If you do the Jim thing and take multiple bets with your mind and come out on top. You have seen more than most but also know how to deal with it in what they call reality.

Jim saw the light but was not ready to fully deal with it.

Expose yourself to the fear, just like Jim tried to do.
Just like I did, I also feared the stage.
We both might have felt we were not good enough to be idolized.

If you are without any training and end up on a stage in front of 2000+ people going wild, you have a power almost nobody else has. Even when you think you are doing nothing special.

Luck would get you on that stage, the gift would allow you to do it for years and come back after 10 years and see that no one forgot about you.

My Ego issue was not that I felt too good for this world, which I thought at first was what EGO meant, and therefore I did not connect the dots.

It was that the little boy inside me had no clue what good looked like and therefore allowed EGO to put him down.

My erroneous initial struggle was with an EGO I did not have.

Which makes it a terrible opponent and a freaky difficult test. And maybe that is why I moved on and took so long to pass this one.

Test One - The Now

Now I dare to look.
If I look into that mirror now, I see EGO with a grin and with a hand on the shoulder of a smiling boy.

There is also a third person.

I see me, Maverick who has taken his time to put the pieces together but survived and is part of the sequel shot many years later.

It´s Me Maverick

Only now I see how I dealt with things back when I was scared. I did not let the fear get the best of me, but I did let it trash me.

I am still winging things, but that is my style...

I am like Nike - I Just Do It.
But I do it with heart and the right mindset.

I do it because I enjoy doing it. That gives me the gift of succeeding in those things I do.

When did Maverick appear in that mirror?

Only after I hit bottom.
After feeling very much alone.

Only then I was thrown a rope just before I drowned, I pulled myself onto the ship and started the journey.

Working my way up from a floater to first mate.

It took years to learn that it made no sense to be the captain.....as the captain is the most misguided person on the ship.

Now when I look in the mirror and take of the mask.

Behind The Mask

When I take a really good at myself.
When I look beyond my job, not my house, my Bitcoin, who am I?

I am Maverick, and I know where I am going.

Who Am I Behind The Mask?

I know where & why I am going.
I know what I am if everything else falls away.

I see myself at the core of my being...

Maverick, an inquisitive tutor, but above all a mentor.
My Maverick, is one who tries to help all he meets to find their way with a little less effort than he himself had to put in.

Mentor Maverick

No Coach

No, I will not call myself a coach.

This world is filled with coaches, and as Tom Cruise says in Cocktail those who can not do it themselves teach.

It might sound like a joke but it´s not, did you ever see Jesus ask for a financial contribution from the crowd? From those he taught?
From anyone?

The church, yes the church will use his teachings to make money and so will all those coaches out there.

Except for sports coaches, because those who can't do; teach.
Those who can't teach, coach.

It´s not my dream to be a motivational speaker or tell you in expensive sessions how you can do better in your life.

Coaching is ego, it is using fear and self-centered thinking to not get ahead in life but stay trapped in the material cage we are caught in since we fell out, or in my case was pulled out of, mom's bleeding womb.

I do agree it sounds very similar.
But the difference is in the details.

A coach is there to wake a quick buck, they are not in it for the long run...they are way too afraid you would see through them.

They are a single trick pony, a one-goal-fits-all type of approach, and that within a couple of sessions.

Where a teacher provides knowledge, skills, and understanding in a particular subject or discipline.

A mentor provides guidance, advice, and support based on their own experiences and expertise, often in a long-term, informal relationship.

I am not coaching, I let you coach.

It´s not me who should make you better.
It´s you who should allow yourself to grow and let go.
I can guide you on that path and enable you to listen before you act, or decide.

I guess I am a sort of Yoda and all you have to do is carry me.....

That is who I am if you take away all the armor and masks.

Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

You see, That was just test one and I spent 2000 plus words on a single test.

But it's a pleasure and if you wonder why do I it, it is so you can spend less time on taking these tests than I did.

Next chapter, Next Tests/center>

Mʏ Pᴀᴛʜ Tᴏ Dɪᴠɪɴɪᴛʏ & Eɴʟɪɢʜᴛᴇɴᴍᴇɴᴛ -Test 2 - The Sound Of Silence

Mʏ Pᴀᴛʜ Tᴏ Dɪᴠɪɴɪᴛʏ & Eɴʟɪɢʜᴛᴇɴᴍᴇɴᴛ -Test 4 & 5 - Having Faith In The Unseen In My Darkest Hour

Mʏ Pᴀᴛʜ Tᴏ Dɪᴠɪɴɪᴛʏ & Eɴʟɪɢʜᴛᴇɴᴍᴇɴᴛ - Test 6 & 7 - My Long Hard Road Out Of Human Hell

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Wow! At first I saw this post and was like can I even finish this post because the word count was big and before I know it here I am done with it.

Maybe it was the whole songs that accompanied me made it more fun...
I really love some of the songs you shared especially the one by Alice Cooper

Nice work


Thanks I so agree on the word count. I already trimmed it down by 400 or so.
Normally I don't want to go above 2K, but it also didn't make sense to split it up even further.... This is just the first test

Anyway awesome to hear that the 2400 didn't stop you and that you finished reading the whole piece.

I still will take the feedback and try to stick to less words but so good to hear


Heheh, I do understand
Out of the abundance of the heart, the ink floweth, hehe

But it was a really great read I must tell you

