Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 36


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Beyond The Looking Glass is the second book in the Unseen series, a story that came to me from the other side. A story where I thought I was just the narrator until I heard the Words of the Unseen.

This second story goes beyond time and place and mixes the long ago with the here and now. Because history keeps repeating, until we learn and do something about it.

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Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 36

Dear Reader, is this world all there is? Are we truly the only reality, or the only here and now?

Is another version of me thinking the same thing right now in a parallel universe. Or will I think these thoughts again 2000 years from now into the future?

Why do we know so little of what lies beyond, why have so many people lost interest in that what we all wonder when we are kids., where do we go when we are no longer here?

If you donยดt find the answer Googling, do you give up? Do you accept that no one seems to know? Even when you feel strongly that there is a Brave New World beyond our reality?

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Now that summer is leaving everyone is busy replenishing winter supplies. I get the feeling that Sei and I have wasted our time.
We have spent the past few moons in each other's company and each other's arms with little to no regard for the world around us.

Ever since Fay showed herself to me, it has been as if a heavy shield has been removed from Sei. She is more open and vulnerable than she was before, she has finally been able to share the big secret she carried with her and has seen that no harm comes from it.

Except that she may have ruined all the plans that were made for us by distracting us daily with frivolous games and lascivious movements.

I see the first leaves turning yellow, I feel the pressure of winter. The pressure to provide for the future, as a teacher I do not have to do that by collecting food, but the feeling is shared by our entire tribe.

Winter is getting serious and I seriously have no idea where Sei and I should start so I propose to spend the night with the two of us at the river. Itยดs a full moon, hopefully, it will help us to reach down, remember, and listen. Because all of a sudden it feels urgent to find the next step.

โ€œI just don't know where to start,โ€ I say to Sei who is staring at the reflection of the moon in the water.

โ€œAt the beginning, old man!โ€

I certainly don't laugh out loud, "Laughing with you, any more good ideas?"

"Well, now that you ask, actually." She pauses to check the position of my face before continuing.

"You are a master at simplifying things, why don't you do that what you are good at?"

I think for a moment, "Because I can't get the picture, itยดs as if my focus is off."

"That is indeed the problem, you are trying to form a holistic picture while you only have a few pieces of the puzzle. In that case, isn't it better to look at what we have than to try to place them in an unknown framework?"

โ€œBut we have nothing,โ€ I say, my brain still trying to analyze what we actually have.

"We have plenty, remember that you are far from finished. We have time until then. You want a ready-made solution at the start of the journey, you are such a man sometimes."

She's right, again. "But what do we have, images, well interpretations of a world full of anger? A world in which people are bred to be empty and to fill that emptiness with things that only provide fulfillment for a very short time and then create more emptiness. And an Imperial power who wants to use that feeling to his advantage to make greater horrors come true than we can imagine."

Sei stares over the water again, closes her eyes, and then I see it again, the vibrations in her aura.


"Right," She says, but it's not Sei.

"You Martio have seen up close how a leader can develop into something inhuman and in your case it was not so bad. But a leader in a much larger world, with much more emptiness, will use that to increase his power."

"That anger and hatred, caused by a lack of connection and the desire to quickly feed one's own short-lived happiness, create an isolated society and nothing is as manageable as a people that do not unite. You saw how easily people moved to Numico and Kyra when an alternative was offered."

I nod thoughtfully and very carefully begin to see some parallels between what I saw in the Empire when I arrived there and what I perceived in my sister's last message.

Numico had said the same thing, not in so many words, but it came down to the fact that I would have to use the same trick again but on an even larger scale. โ€œBut what the hell is bigger than the Empire,โ€ I feel stupid as soon as I hear myself ask. Even if Fay knew, she wouldn't say it.

"I don't know about Martio indeed."

Oh god and goddesses, another one eavesdropping in my head.

"So if I do 1+1 here we are talking about the same situation, possibly on a larger scale, in a world that I have no knowledge of, but which I may have to put a stop to?"

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