Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 35


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𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻

Beyond The Looking Glass is the second book in the Unseen series, a story that came to me from the other side. A story where I thought I was just the narrator until I heard the Words of the Unseen.

This second story goes beyond time and place and mixes the long ago with the here and now. Because history keeps repeating, until we learn and do something about it.

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Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 35

Dear Reader, I know we spoke about this in the previous book. but it is the essence of my belief.

After so many years of being aware I still think it´s magical. I am learning to sense it and getting better at it. I get sort of nervous when I feel it´s in the air.

Life throws you a curve ball, and that is when you should start paying attention. As soon as anything out of the ordinary happens your radar should flip into active mode.

And you need to keep it active, it will come. Curve balls mean the next step announces itself and soon Providence will be knocking.

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I put my arm around her shoulder and without exchanging a word we walk together to the flat stone in the river. It's not that I really need to meditate, but my body feels confused and my mind is racing.

I would like to have a moment that gives me the opportunity to regain myself because this is quite a lot to digest on an empty stomach.

When we sit I feel her warm back against mine, the fresh morning air still hangs around us but is slowly making way for a warmer morning.

I'm not sure where to place Fay, a soul-splitting in times of crisis is something I've seen before. It's also the most logical explanation for what happened to Sei.
Still, something doesn't sit right with me, something is bothering me and I have to try damn hard to force my brain to go back to that meeting and get clear on what exactly is bothering me.

What clearly bothers me is that I have seen Fay before, that there is an almost visible change when she is present in the body.

Well, that could be my imagination, but I observed it before I knew anything about her, it is a hair, after all, existence.

She called herself providence, a strange combination of circumstances, a combination of traumas and gifts. But she did say the pain "has split our souls."

But is that ours because she now shares the body, or was she only added to this body after the division?
Why do they always keep making it so difficult, why can it never be simple?

Then I see an old tree on the other side, it forks on its way up. The left side then touches the rock wall behind it and has therefore undergone a very erratic, extended growth, while the right side had plenty of room to develop normally.

I had never noticed it before, even though I have loved coming here all my life. And I have to laugh because they are playing with my feet again, of course, I only noticed this now.

This is what happened to Sei, because she is split she can develop in two ways at the same time, not in balance nor in symmetry, but as needed to fulfill certain goals during a lifetime. “Providence,” I repeat softly.

"What did you say?"

Sei spins around, almost causing me to fall backward.

"Nothing, well providence. But I don't know what that word means, Fay used it. I think I understand it, but I've never heard anyone use it before."

Sei nods, "Me neither, but that's Fay's word, I always think of her as Providence not Fay. I've also thought for a long time what it could mean, and I think I know."

She sits down next to me and pokes my hand "Things don't happen by chance or by accident, some things maybe but not the real things if you know what I mean. The real things, like encounters or losing a loved one, almost seem planned. Little pieces of an immense puzzle that wouldn't fit if they didn't happen."

I stare ahead and nod.
"You mean a preconceived plan. But what if I take the wrong next step or choose not to make a step or choice."

"Providence has no standard outcome it just sets things in motion, motion is the only constant. The outcomes may be different depending on several facets, but the events set a current in motion, a movement that takes place even when you think you can stop it by standing still."


"Because even standing still can have the desired consequences."

It seems Sei has had more time to think about it than I have. But her interpretation feels good, and somewhere I also think that Fay has given her interpretation to this explanation here and there.

"Well, maybe I oversimplify things but ´it had to be this way,´ that's actually the whole message, isn´t it."

"Yes, for a bumpkin like you, that is indeed the message. No one can expect that you would want to grasp the subtle essence of it all."

She teasingly pushes me towards the water and instead of offering resistance I hold her hand and we both rinse off this strange morning in slightly too cold water.

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