Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 33


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Beyond The Looking Glass is the second book in the Unseen series, a story that came to me from the other side. A story where I thought I was just the narrator until I heard the Words of the Unseen.

This second story goes beyond time and place and mixes the long ago with the here and now. Because history keeps repeating, until we learn and do something about it.

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Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 33

Dear Reader, do you look or only see? There is so much more than what sticks to the retina.

I have had my moments, not enough but definitely sufficient to know I am missing out on so much.

Too often am I distracted by day-by-day moments and simple thoughts to look without trying to see.

I need to remind myself, that I need to be vigilant because life will keep us blind if we accept it.

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โ€œYou were indeed one with the tree.โ€

"Although that was a little earlier than I intended, and that tree was certainly not my intention. But okay, you got a little taste of what I had in mind for you."


"I know that you prefer to make your world as structured as possible, and you do that because you subconsciously know that there is something out there that you cannot capture in structure. It is possible, in the end everything can be captured in a structure. But not for you old man," she says teasingly and I start giggling.

I see a long gray beard coming out of my chin, full of leaves and twigs, apparently, I have not yet completely uprooted from my tree moment.

"Martio, it will be difficult to keep your attention. That doesn't matter, the point is that you see that there is more than what you can see. Man is made to see that which can cause direct harm to him. , nature evolves to survive, not to oversee. But in order to ultimately survive, some of us will have to look more closely, and learn to oversee."

I nod my attention as I stare at Sei. Her eyes dance across her face while her words sound so clear. I close my eyes and open them again, I try to focus, but it's as if one Sei is trying to break away from the other Sei. They split from the shoulders, there are already two heads and slowly the second torso also starts to come loose. Then it happens quickly and the second Sei stands up while the first Sei is still sitting against the tree.

She's wonderfully quiet, by the way. Then the second Sei comes walking towards me, she is not lucid, and yet I can clearly see that she is a reflection of the original.

When she stands in front of me she puts a hand on my head, I feel the pressure and then it feels like cold water is washing my brain clean. "You feel me huh?"

I look up, "Yes I feel you, loud and clear."

This is me too Martio, this is why you so often had trouble seeing the girl in Sei. I don't know how you can do it, but you see further. You see me. Sei is really not just a shell, she is me and I am her. A soul with two minds, but we always find a solution together, even if it is not always fun for both of us."

"We are a strange combination of circumstances, a combination of traumas and gifts. We are, well I am Providence. The pain has split our soul, not completely but in parts. This gave the strength to move on after what happened But it was also the intention, because this helps to grow faster, something that is almost impossible as a whole person. A whole person develops slowly, sometimes there is simply no time for that."

I see her swallow while it seems as if there is emotion in her hitherto plain face.

"We are all made up of many parts that together form one entity. If all parts develop at the same time there is balance, but no progress. You see more, you will be able to understand this. There are parts of us, of me, that may never develop because we absorb all the energy and in a different time and form we will have to compensate for that again. But not in this form."

"This form was meant to find you, to accompany you, but above all to help you fulfill your task. As always, we are and have only a few pieces of that much larger puzzle. You and I, we were formed to find each other, to see that we fit and to draw from that the strength to serve Providence."

"It's not really a choice, we feel the need and even if we resist, the urge will have become uncontrollable in a different way. It is better to see, accept, feel, learn, find peace in what you know is your path.โ€

Her words make me terribly dizzy until I almost feel nauseous, then she removes her hand from my head and suddenly I see that everything around me is vibrating. I know everything is alive, but I never had the eyes to see it.

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