Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 31


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𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻

Beyond The Looking Glass is the second book in the Unseen series, a story that came to me from the other side. A story where I thought I was just the narrator until I heard the Words of the Unseen.

This second story goes beyond time and place and mixes the long ago with the here and now. Because history keeps repeating, until we learn and do something about it.

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Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 31

Dear Reader, those moments in life when everything seems to make sense, that for once the pieces seem to make sense and even fit (sort of).

Those moments never last, but it´s just nice to have a couple of moments in a life where you don´t want to drop to your knees and ask; Why?.

Because that is basically my default, not getting what I am doing here but knowing there's is some kind of purpose.

A destiny I can not grasp, but of which I am certain it´s out there.

That is why I appreciate those moments when things all come together and I think I understand what I am doing here, even if it´s for a very short moment

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"Emptiness, you kept repeating that word. Powerlessness and hopelessness, but above all indifference and lethargy. The mass you described was soulless and aimless and therefore completely negatively charged."

"That negativity seems to have been cultivated, or at least that is what I gather from your words. For generations, they have been manipulated into what you are facing. All support has been taken away, but it has not been replaced by insights but by material and short-lived pleasure. That constantly makes you yearn for more satisfaction. But that short-term satisfaction leaves more and more voids that need to be filled again."

"They are consciously conditioned to this way of life, just as soldiers are trained to do the most barbaric things without thinking."

I know she's right, everything she says feels right. But I can't remember anything anymore. Not a moment, not a single sensation while I know I was full of horror, and I am again now when she brings up those berserker soldiers.

I sigh, "I really don't know anything anymore, I know I told you everything. Far away I know that what you said is most likely what I felt. But it's empty."

She comes up to me, wraps her arms around my waist, and rests her head on my chest. "That's normal, you know. Especially this that wasn't meant for you, well what you shouldn't have received. They can use all the doors in your mind if they really want to," then she shivers.

"They even tried that on me last night."

I grab her shoulders and push her away so I can look into her eyes, apparently, this isn't a joke.

"All the feces, you mean it. How could I have been so blind again?"

"Martio, don't show up. I may be a bit fragile in this world, but in that world, I am certainly not. Margarita was the first to teach me self-defense and not like you do with axes and arrows."

She looks at me very proudly and at moments like this I see the girl who wants to prove herself even more and of course, she still is.

"The strange thing is that I expected a lot more interaction last night, it was very limited, almost minimal and I think…."

She remains silent for a long time, then shakes her head.

"What do you think Sei?"

"Nothing, that would be too much of an honor, I'm not even there yet," she giggles.

"What Sei," it comes out much more aggressive than I intended and I see her take a step back.

"Nothing, Martio, nothing. There are also connections there. Normally they are not interested in us at all and they let things take their course. But yesterday, they could have tried a lot more, but they only tickled my doors. As if their strength was not enough used to be."

I probably looked like I was watching water burn because Sei paused abruptly.

"Sorry, I keep forgetting that your lessons were not exactly mine. Master Oniko taught you about medicinal plants, inter-human structures, the awareness of the layered self, in short, the basis of the freest possible existence as a human being."

"I'm still so far away from you in that respect. I don't even dare to take off my first layer. But what I do dare is to open my mind to what we can't see. Now I can tell you about that for hours."

"No matter how much I tell you, it's useless if you've never experienced it."

"Do you trust me? Because I have to show you this if you want to understand what I know and see."

She takes the pot to boil water and puts it on the fire, then she walks to the shelf where her few belongings are and takes a small brown pouch from between her clothes.

She pours the boiled water into the wooden bowls and takes some out of the pouch. Something resembling twigs or roots are carefully added to the hot water.


She motions for me to wait, "Grab your coat and dress warmly."

"But we haven't eaten yet," I say, rubbing my stomach.
"Exactly, this moment was very opportune. Perhaps too opportune."

So first drink her brew and then head out into the cold without breakfast, what kind of plans are these? But I know that at times like these resistance is futile and so I do as I am told, albeit with slight reluctance.

A reluctance because I had no idea what she was planning to do and especially because the idea of ​​leaving home on an empty stomach really bothered me.

Then she hands me the beaker, and I finally see what she has made welling up in the water. No twigs, but dirty gray mushrooms have sucked in water.

“Everything has to go,” comes the instruction.

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