Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 30


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Beyond The Looking Glass is the second book in the Unseen series, a story that came to me from the other side. A story where I thought I was just the narrator until I heard the Words of the Unseen.

This second story goes beyond time and place and mixes the long ago with the here and now. Because history keeps repeating, until we learn and do something about it.

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Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 30

Dear Reader, life is a puzzle without the box. You are holding all the pieces without the example.

Clueless to what you are meant to do with all that you were given.

As kids we donยดt know what we are holding and why but slowly we start to see patterns emerging.

We recognize certain shapes and forms, but how do they align with pieces not yet turned over?

Do they align, are they supposed to fit, or are we given an incoherent bag of pieces of the puzzle, and do we need to exchange them with others to see the full picture?

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The moment she says that I know exactly what she means. I knew that what I saw, or actually didn't see but experienced, was different from anything I had witnessed so far.

At the same time, I know that my brain didn't actually know what to do with these inputs, it was given a tool without instruction and was not able to use it fully, hence the haze.

Someone projected these images onto me even though I wasn't ready for them, maybe I never would have been ready for them.

What I felt was disgusting, why would she have done that?

"It was her parting gift, you think so too, don't you? A bit clumsy and thoughtless, but that is fitting as she is still quite new to the spirit realm."

"Well she's not that new," I start.

"I should have expected that from you, you really have no idea sometimes. Time here and time there are not the same. As a spirit she is still a baby, she looks like a lot in that dragon form but that is just how she wants you to see her. It doesn't mean anything." She says with a big grin on her face, as she is feeling wiser than this old man once again.

"But why this, what did she want to show me," I sounded almost hopeless even though it was not my intention. But I'm still stunned by what I just experienced and I'm trying my best to commit it to my memory.

I feel that, as I often experienced with things seen in meditations, the impressions are slowly fading. Like my brain can't hold onto it. Like there's no drawer in my head where this fits.

"Sei, I'm going to lose whatever I witnessed and she didn't pass this on for nothing. Listen and remember what I tell you. Then tell me back tomorrow. I know this feeling, I'm going to forget this, but not if you remember it for me ."

Sei nods, she takes my hand and tells me to sit in the lotus position, with my hands on her knees while she puts hers on mine.


"Tell everything you remember without thinking."

I close my eyes and start rambling, when I stop I don't even know what I said or didn't say. The memories of what I just told her are now as blurry as the images I saw earlier. The only thing that remains with me is my sister, whose dust traveled towards the heavens.

Dust, Numico also talked about dust.
What dust?

It's all connected and I'm simply too stupid to see it. I can almost touch it but my head feels like it is filled with a pile of duck feathers. Stuffed full of soft nothingness, that seems to suffocate my thoughts.

"Let it go now, they always do this," Sei says calmly. "They don't want you to know this. They will always let you float and forget, that's all they can do. But the light is saved, soon it will come up. Just when you need it, and in this case that could well be tomorrow."

She laughs again before continuing. "Your story was quite disjointed, but I think I know something about it. I think I know what I need to repeat to get the flow going in your head again."
I have no choice but to trust her.

I can't fall asleep that night. No matter how I try to remember what I experienced, it remains empty. A big fog that I can't seem to get through, and I know, there's no point in fighting, this is also being sent and I can't make peace with that idea, but I have to accept it for the time being, if only so I can sleep a little.

Maybe my dreams will guide me like they guided Numico in the past.
Who am I kidding, I donยดt have dreams like that, I wish I had.

Whatever I had received this afternoon currently is completely hidden in a thick brain fog. Which left me even more confused, still I was confident that Sei and I would soon make sense of it all.

Why else would it feel like together we were holding the majority of pieces of this unfamiliar puzzle?

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