Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 22

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Beyond The Looking Glass is the second book in the Unseen series, a story that came to me from the other side. A story where I thought I was just the narrator until I heard the Words of the Unseen.

This second story goes beyond time and place and mixes the long ago with the here and now. Because history keeps repeating, until we learn and do something about it.

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Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 22

Dear Reader, have you ever been told something so weird it must be true?

Some things the human mind can not make up as a lie.

Simply because it goes beyond out of the box, or because you know from the start that nobody will believe you.

When I hear a story that fits that category my ears pop.

All I do is listen for two things, insanity or honesty and sometimes I hear both.

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I laugh as this must be a joke, but Numicoยดs expression is dead serious. "Yes, but I thought I am kinda sure that chapter was behind us," I answer, feeling my curiosity nagging at me.

"I thought so too, but he was in my dream again. Very recently on this trip through the provinces and you know him, well sort of."

Now I really think the boy is playing with my feet, "Did you dream about yourself or did your bride show up and ruin your dream?" I joke.

"No, Martio. These aren't things I would be joking about."

"Too bad," I say. "I thought you had finally found a sense of humor, but I should have known better." I tease.

"I wish it were that way. Remember when I said your role was in the future? A world away from here. I had no idea what I was talking about at the time. I do now, and I think you don't want to hear it. At the same time, I know you're as curious as a six-month-old kitten, and you want to understand what those words meant, donยดt you?"

Now it's his turn to tease.

"Boy, boy, boy move that goat into gear or are you still the slow Numico from before."

"I am certainly still that Numico, that dreamer. This time it was not an old man with a beard but a much younger man with a blue turban."

"But how? You are, or is it," while I nod toward Sion's waist.

"No, friend, you have to listen. Had I not said that you would have returned to ashes many times already. Well, that is truly the case. And I didn't understand it, because I had not expected her here. But I Sei here and now explains a lot.โ€

Numico pauses and takes a sip of water while I drink some rice wine in anticipation of what is to come.

"The young man in the blue turban is your child. Well, Martijn's child. And Martijn, that's you in the year 2000."

I finish the sip of wine but instead of putting it down I then drink the entire bowl.

Numico can't help but laugh, "It took me a while to get used to the idea myself, so I understand your reaction. I wouldn't have believed it if it weren't for our adventure. Our previous journey to meet the boss of the world and how it started with a similar dream. It sounded so impossible back then, but eventually against all odds we met him"

My gaze must be bewildered because I see Numico's eyes quickly analyzing whether I am all right.

"Hang on tight old man," the young one chuckles as he winks at Sei. Those two exchanged more than I received, that's for sure.

"The blue turban is your child, well I won't give you the name. You will find it yourself one day. What I will give you is what I was asked for."

"Please understand that life at that time will be very complex and demanding, We will have replaced much of our science with other wisdoms. The way of life is not ours, and there are very few left from our kind to teach the world."

"And those that do teach will be dismissed as crazy. Until the blue turban rises. But who teaches the blue turban you will want to ask."

"It will be you, Martio. However, indirectly, you will have to educate yourself on all the insights that will be lost. Because your future you, the father, will teach the Blue Turban the freedom of mind. You will teach him in such a way that he or she in this modern world can understand and is able to translate. That will allow the message to flow in large numbers."

"The Turban told me that you can only direct yourself. You can not share any details, or make the lessons feel obligatory. It has to come from you. The you here consciously and the you there willingly. Only then will wisdom come in a liberated form, and it will be spread. Because they will have known centuries of unconscious oppression. They will yearn for those liberating insights."

โ€œThe atrocities and horrors that will occur if this is not done properly will be greater than you and I have seen, more gruesome than we can imagine. The dogs of death are kittens compared to what awaits the world.โ€

He takes another sip of water, his eyes look so serious. "Martio, I won't be there to help you this time. I really didn't understand how or why I had to bring you this message. The Turban only told me that his young wife should look for him as soon as he leaves this place.โ€

"That together he and she would forge the lessons needed and she would deliver them. It sounded so simple, but I was choked with incomprehension. Until today." The serious eyes have disappeared and a very happy Numico looks at Sei with admiration.

I look at her too, "You knew this?"

Next Chapter Coming in Two Days

Click Back Button to Start with Book One

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