Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 10
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Beyond The Looking Glass is the second book in the Unseen series, a story that came to me from the other side. A story where I thought I was just the narrator until I heard the Words of the Unseen.
This second story goes beyond time and place and mixes the long ago with the here and now. Because history keeps repeating, until we learn and do something about it.

Beyond The Looking Glass - Words of the Unseen - Chapter 10

"She is doing very well, she has found work outside the village. Your friend spoke hopefully about her and would take care of what is due to her." I try to sound as convincing as possible and can only hope that my story will match hers when she visits the old man.
Kosa breathes a sigh of relief, "She's a good girl, she deserves that opportunity, I'm sure she will make the most of it. What great news," with a broad smile he stands up to open a new bottle.
I don't decline the gesture, the relief I see in the old man is nothing compared to mine and that should be celebrated. Because soon I will be back home, where festivities only take place when the nights get shorter and the cold leaves the ground.
Just sitting here surrounded by what I used to see as luxury I wonder if I can adjust to the life of the past. Have I become too spoiled by the world I discovered, too accustomed to leisure and useless hedonism?
Dreaming with my eyes open, I see the stone plateau at the water's edge where I meditated, the image alone reassures me. That is the place where I have been the happiest, where I found peace and serenity and anticipated what was asked of me. The wealth of the world can never match that.
The image fades when I hear the kitchen door creak and I'm sure we're being watched, but turning around will cause the looker on to leave before my eyes can catch it. I hear the familiar snoring of Kosa's wife, which confirms my suspicion.
Curious young girls are not new, this girl is a little older than my sister when she left us. It won't make much difference though. I can feel her eyes stinging, she's been watching me since I got here, but since I got back it's been more obvious.
Kosa is still talking about how he hopes that the opportunity will change the life of his niece, if he only knew. Would he drop on his knees and thank me or kick me out of the house?
I try to steer the conversation so that Kosa tells me more about this "Stella", but I can't get more out of it than he had already told me. The man has no idea who she is or where she comes from.
"I expect her to leave as she arrived. Out of nowhere, I have experienced such necessary strange encounters on the path of life too often. Not that I say I understand them, but I do recognize them."
With those words the man stands up, with his back to the kitchen door he signals with his eyes and laughs. Apparently, he felt it too.
"I'm going to bed Martio, nights like this will be the end for me," he jokes as he walks to the stairs.
When I hear him close the door I turn around, "Stella, what do you want to know?" I speak to a door slightly ajar. There is only silence as the door closes softly.
Alone with my thoughts at this old battle-scarred table. A table where so much was discussed before the journey even truly started. How appropriate that it ends here I think.
A cold chill is trying to tell me something, and it's not that there's a draft here.
My thoughts go back to last night, I see Kyra again, naked, more alive than I ever saw her before. How it comes full circle that I was one with her during her death and she was one with me after her death.
That circle is complete, but something is nagging somewhere, "this is definitely not the end," I whisper as I look up.
"Not for a long time," it sounds in my head.
How wonderful to have a universe that provides answers, sometimes.
That answer could of course also come from me and my imagination. But after this many years, I have given up wanting to know for sure where the voices in my head come from.
I have grown accustomed to them being there. Sometimes answering other times causing more questions.
The only thing I know for sure is that so far they have been great advisors. And as they do not seem to be leaving me alone I have no choice but to trust them no matter who they are.
Click The Next Button for The Next Chapter

Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!
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Greatest Hits From My Book "Beyond Doubt: Whispers of the Unseen"
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[Source Pic](All pics by MYI & AI unless watermarked or mentioned)