Beyond Doubt: Whispers of the Unseen - Chapter 132


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Welcome to my seemingly endless journey.
A trip that will take you to places I might have visited many moons ago.
It´s a tale that came back to me when I meditated on one of my past lives. A life I told you about in my unbelievable true story.

As promised in that story I will now share this story with you.

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Chapter 132

Dear Reader, When all the lights around you die out, and you are left alone.

When all emotional support is swallowed up by the waves of life like a sand castle on a deserted beach.

What are you left with? Who are you then?

If you are defeated, does it feel like life slowly becomes unreasonable? Or do you have the strength to throw off all chains, get up, and wait for that new morning?

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Here we are all together for the first time since the great escape, all gathered around this big table. It is strange, and familiar in one.

Sion, now Elegna although the first couple of days some tongues slipped, sits between Cabilah and Numico and even now in plane clothes the sense of royalty surrounds her. She was relieved to read the news and accepted the offer to move to the mansion without a heartbeat of consideration.

While Sion also felt that she as a person was free, it was obvious that her people were not.

"Thank you, friends, it's wonderful to finally be reunited with all of you," Sion looks at everyone at the table but her eyes rest on Numico.

"These last moons have been intense and very lonely. That said they also provided time to grief and to find my bearings. I have somewhat forgiven my father, for he was misguided early on in life, and in his final hours, he has seen clearly."

"I have realized how my mother has always tried to steer the empire, but she lost the grip she had, especially this last decade. We all travel the ocean of life navigating by the stars of our beliefs, we plot a course and too often lose our sense of direction."

"Forgive me for saying that I feel that I am surrounded by people with a sharp sense of direction, a sense much more focused than mine ever was. I hope my emphasis on was, was clear," she says smiling.
"You have shown me the way, a way my mother might have lost and only recently regained. A way I as a little girl knew would be my destiny, but it got obscured by pomp and circumstance. Let me tell you the little Elegna is back, I found my bearings once again, and I plan to raise the sails."

"Numico already promised me that he will stand beside me wherever this journey takes us. But I want to ask you all to not do the same. Please, you have done more than a soul should in one lifetime. You have risked your being too many times already and you have earned the right to live in peace and die of old age."

"Therefore I ask all of you to not join Numico and myself on the journey that life has planned for me. There is support, and we will encounter even more on the course we plotted. But I could not bear to see you all go down with me."

A tear rolls down her cheek when she looks at every single one of us, except Numico this time.

"Would you please do me this one last favor?"

Dadrie beats me, he stands before I do. He stands straight a soldier with his right hand on his heart: "No My Captain!" He belts. I repress an uncomfortable laugh as I follow his lead and his words, and so do Kreytu and Cabilah.

Sion looks mighty uncomfortable while a second tear flows from her eyes a proud smile appears. Her face is a mixture of sun and rain, and all of us reflect that as we stand in a human rainbow hand on heart.

"So you all disobey my royal order in exile?" She tries to sound poised and composed but the vibration in her voice tells a whole different story.

I burst out in laughter first, no longer able to look at us all standing around like this and remain serious.

"Elegna, we came together to stop the ruler of the world. We did something together none of us ever thought possible," now tears were rolling over my face from laughter.
"Do you think that a little princess without an empire could stop us? Simply by asking us from the bottom of her heart while sounding like an ancient admiral? You must have practiced this speech many times today didn´t you?"

Sion blushes and nods, "Dear Elegna, we have probably not even consciously chosen our paths. We have no special focus, we navigate by the same stars you do. And it seems our stars are aligned at least for the next part of this journey. So give up your sweet but foolish young-hearted plan of leaving us here to grow old."

"I made a promise to you mother that I plan to keep, and it sounds to me that your bearings were handed down from one generation to the next. Nightingale's letter talks about opportunity smoldering, we must seize that opportunity, as this momentum is the greatest weapon we will ever have."

Dadrie coughs, "Admiral as your Captain I suggest we start reviewing the plotted course as it seems we will have some unwanted elements accompanying you on this journey to the edge of the world."

Then everyone started talking, and even though nobody had a plan for now you could feel something fester, like pus soon to erupt from an inflamed wound.


This empire had a festering wound and we were not done till it was healed and the reek of rotting flesh would be no more.

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Picture By Me And My Artificial Intelligence
