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Thank God ItΒ΄s #NinetiesFriday!

Last week I took a long hard look at my mid-nineties life and what was going on in the world around me.

π‘»π’“π’šπ’Šπ’π’ˆ 𝑻𝒐 π‘Ήπ’†π’Žπ’†π’Žπ’ƒπ’†π’“ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 90𝒔 - Raw Like Vanilla Simpson Sushi

This week I will be taking a detour before writing the end of my nineties Tetralogy.

Somebody must have already touched on one of the biggest hypes of the nineties. But I probably missed it, or maybe itΒ΄s because most of us here thinking back about those wonderful days are boys.

As boys we see things differently...they say.
Of course, we do! We are not the same, we are equally human but definitely not the same. And thank whoever for that because I am kind of fond of fondling female body parts.

I guess you millennials got the hint today a little detour passing by the girl power establishment.

Go Grill Power

No that is not a typo I am just trying to be funny, and so was Missy because come on.... growing up on girl power???

So I should now be surrounded by Power Puff Girls. They had the perfect girl Girl Power role models, just look at what we fed those girls back then.

Now I would expect them to grow up all heroy saving the planet and stuff,,, but look what those PPGs did to our millennial girls growing up. This is them now:

Yup that is what 90s cartoons to empower girls caused, well that and girls blowing up their lips to make an even prettier duck face.


Well at least one was inspired to save the world:


Okay, so the PPGs are not the best example but we can take a harder look at nineties girl power.

Who Started HandinG Out Girl Power

Everybody that even for a second thought about the Spicy Girls, forget you are so Clueless you are banned from guessing.

Clueless was bt one of my fav nineties movies, no clue why must be all the girl power in it or something....or maybe it was the soundtrack.

Anyway who came up with Girl Power, we never know in the end itΒ΄s just two words put together and I am sure Jeand DΒ΄Arc already yelled GIRL POWERRRR! when they burned her.

But in the end, it was a fanzine of some bikini girls that started this whole movement. They made some money off of it, but no Spicy Girls money (again just trying to be funny, if my jokes are getting old remember itΒ΄s #ninetiesfriday).

Not Kill Bill, but Bikini Kill gets the credit for starting that empowered girl movement and they look a lot more real to me than Mel B.

Okay now we have that out of the way letΒ΄s take a look at some more girl power tunes. LetΒ΄s pretend we are all girls...

Now this next one is a personal favorite because of this sentence:

You took a long hard look at my ass. And then played golf for a while.

We kinda hurt her feelings, oh boy. Men are sooo bad because who rules the world?

Sorry, not sorry for being Boomerish but it must be my blindspot or my upbringing that created my mindset that we have equal rights, but donΒ΄t talk about equality because we are not equal from the start:

  • Pair 23 chromosomes in women: XX.
  • Pair 23 chromosomes in males: XY.

And that X & Y come with their own benefits and struggles and itΒ΄s up to whoever you are to use those to your own advantage...if you ask me. Which you did not.

But it sometimes just gets a bit much you can not blame the XY chromosome team for everything. And I think Shampoo proves that point, they made a song called Girl Power:

And ended up getting in trouble:

That is what girl power does for you. I guess honesty is the best policy and you just have to admit that this world is made up of Bitches & Bastards and we just got to deal with it.

The thing is that they all want to be the girl with the most cake!

They might have looked strong but even during the Girl Power Decade girls were crying out for their mommies:

Or am I being paranoid, am I making this all up?

No, it was real and I am suffering from dementia, all this thinking back of the nineties has gotten me demented so do not take anything serious of what I say unless you want to of course.

Bikini Bottom Line

Now for me, it might be an open-and-shut case. I do see the difference and I like seeing the difference, I even admit I enjoy looking at and fondling with the difference. But to me it does not matter if you have two half-balls or two full balls, and if you got no balls you are still the same to me.

But this world is not about me, and if I travel the world wide web I find many girls in need of believing in Girl Power and I guess that the nineties brought that power back. It brought back a more female form of feminism because at least they did not all cut their hair and grow their bush.


So respect, where respect is due:

Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

#NinetiesFriday was brought to you by


WTF do I do on #NinetiesFriday?

Well, don't do what I do because I just stole the below as it is good enough for copy/pasta!

But some ideas are music, movies, television, sports, or really anything Nineties related.

I assume movie, tv, or music topic reviews or talk will be most common, but you could also talk about a sports memory or something else.

Think the Pop Culture of the times, but it would be great to hear about little known and interesting bands or entertainment items. Don’t forget to use tag #NinetiesFriday

@geneeverett will give 3 basic income units to a winning random post every week that uses the #NinetiesFriday tag. Also @thebighigg has jumped in to match for 6 total weekly prizes! If anyone else wants to sponsor with 1 unit let me know or just send if you don’t wanna commit to weekly πŸ‘

All images by MyI and AI except for the stolen #NinetiesFriday image of course.

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