
Quite of Subway

Via sotterranea, subway, come dicono gli americani. Underworld. Il mondo visto dal di sotto, la metà oscura della metropoli. Sopra, a otto, dieci metri c'è ancora il mondo della luce bianca; qui la vita ha, invece, una luce arancione... F Parazzoli Underground street, subway, as the Americans say. Underworld. The world seen from below, the dark half of the metropolis. Above, eight or ten meters away, there is still the world of white light; here, however, life has an orange light... F.Parazzoli available as video on #nftshowroom
Collection: Plaza de Mundo Project by Valerio Savino
Total Edition(s): 5
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Edition #
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vsadvicemusic 1 Private 10 MUSIC ($0.002)
vsadvicemusic 2 Private 10 MUSIC ($0.002)
vsadvicemusic 3 Private 10 MUSIC ($0.002)
vsadvicemusic 4 Private 10 MUSIC ($0.002)
vsadvicemusic 5 Private 10 MUSIC ($0.002)
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@vsadvicemusic tokenized 5 editions
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