Rock Village 🎸🎶


Kao i obično svake subote imamo salsa veče moji prijatelji i ja, medjutim u isto vreme su organizovani i tradicionalni dani Rokenrola u Banatskom Sokolcu. To je selo na pola sata vožnje od mog grada. Odlučili smo da odemo i ove godine.

As usual, my friends and I have a salsa night every Saturday, but at the same time, traditional Rock and Roll days are also organized in Banatski Sokolac. It's a village half an hour's drive from my city. We decided to go this year as well.


I ovog puta, atmosfera je bila odlična! Malo selo koje se trudi da rokenrol ne umre kao muzički pravac. Podržali smo ih svojim dolaskom.


And this time, the atmosphere was great! A small village that is trying to keep rock and roll from dying as a musical direction. We supported them with our arrival.





Ove noći je nastupilo tri benda, ali smo prvi propustili. Došli smo dok je svirao jedan od najstarijih ali i najpoznatijih rok grupa "YU grupa"!

There were three bands performing this night, but we missed the first one. We came while one of the oldest and most famous rock groups "YU Group" was playing!




Naziv YU ( grupa) je iz vremena kada smo se kao država zvali Jugoslavija sastavljeni od šest Republika. Možda su neki i čuli za Jugoslaviju jer smo tada bili velika i poštovana država na čelu sa predsednikom Titom koji je bio proglašen za doživotnog predsednika. Nažalost, naša država se raspala ali je ostao bend koji nas dugo godina potseča na tu divnu zemlju u kojoj sam odrasla.❤️

The name YU (group) comes from the time when we as a country were called Yugoslavia made up of six republics. Perhaps some have heard of Yugoslavia because at that time we were a large and respected country led by President Tito, who was declared president for life. Unfortunately, our country fell apart, but a band remained that reminded us of that wonderful country where I grew up for many years.❤️


Koncert se završio. Krenuli smo kući zadovoljni i puni utisaka.
Na izlasku sam uslikala statuu Bob Marleja koju su posvetili legendi rege muzike još davne 2005. godine kada je ovaj rok festival startovao.

The concert ended. We went home satisfied and full of impressions.
On the way out, I took a picture of the Bob Marley statue, which was dedicated to the legend of reggae music back in 2005, when this rock festival started.



Lepa i nezaboravna noć sa sjajnim muzičarima koji su ovu vedru noć ulepšali zvucima rokenrola...🎸🎸🎸🎶🎶🎶

A beautiful and unforgettable night with great musicians who brightened this clear night with the sounds of rock and roll...🎸🎸🎸

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!
