The Community Support Is Appreciated


The feeling is like an old friend
When years have passed by yet the friendship never ends
It’s Like we just talked yesterday
Where our words are easy and the letters play

Where we pick up where we left off
And keep it cool…
With a couple of jokes, just me and you
Some deepening convos like an Olympic pool
Sharing stories of what we went through
Reminiscing on home cooked meals, scents, food

It’s good to have this kind of support
That brotherly sisterly love, no coldness like the courts
No judicial systems to keep us apart
But an open field of possibilities to share our love for the arts

We can even shoot some pool, aka billiards and darts
Share a bag of chips as we pick up things from a Mart
Hop in the wheeled basket, and race with a shopping cart
Sometimes it’s okay to be childish, we are truly just kids at heart

And it’s good to have these bonds and special moments
That familiar unconditional closeness
Where family recognises itself with a boldness
Where genetics and bloodlines play no role, in this home-lit

We are unbreakable with our connection
Fearless and never hopeless
I appreciate you, and you, me
But that’s something clear
You should know this

You know who you are :)
And I’m grateful

