RE: Weekend Engagement: A handful of great #ttts for the youngs from us the Eightyish.

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It's hard to believe that Jim Morrison was an CIA operative, isn't it? Cool jams bro!


Edit: also, as I am old and my eyesight strains to properly sort what I see, the title of this post 'a handful of great #ttts...' initially was interpreted by my brain as referring to something else, of which more than a handful is a waste, per the old aphorism and paean to nubility.

When I search for #ttts, all links lead to 'twin to twin transfusion syndrome', which I am sure is not what you mean.

Re-edit: just as I posted the above edit, I realized it refers to 'three tune Tuesday', although the 's' seems extraneous.


Cool jams bro!

Groovy bro, I'm really glad you liked them. :)

When I search for #ttts, all links lead to 'twin to twin transfusion syndrome', which I am sure is not what you mean.

Yep, that's not what I meant for sure. And wowza, thanks for that link. I didn't hear about that curious 'syndrome' before.

It's hard to believe that Jim Morrison was an CIA operative, isn't it?

Hahaha, well, I've heard that version about Jim Morrison many times before. However, I think this story on Laurel Canyon might reveal you a few things on the matter that maybe most people really ignores. };)

And this one below, perhaps to establish the point furthermore. ;D

Re-edit: just as I posted the above edit, I realized it refers to 'three tune Tuesday', although the 's' seems extraneous.

Yup, that's right. The 's' looks extraneous. But you know me, at a second glance you'll realize of #tttses as Three Tune Tuesdays/Thursdays is my middlename.


Well, that is quite the story, of which I have but little familiarity, but conforms to the small understanding I have had. I have imagined how these boys were groomed for their roles with the knowledge dredged from the MK Ultra program, convinced of the fact of Nazi infiltration into positions of untenable power and authority by a bad sort that had run Operation Paperclip, and given roles to capitalize on their skills and all American red-blooded love of freedom, by fathers and family that convinced them further of the need to spread freedom as the foe of the Nazi Fascist influence that so threatened truth, justice, and the American way.

It is a fascinating chapter in American history, one foundational to our present exigency, steeped in Americana as much as the chemicals that arose to fuel the free thought and forms the society they gave birth to even as the steely knives of the Manson family stilled Sharon Tate's child. The swings and misses of the game are as much a part of it as are the hits over the fences, and it sure looks like the boys in the bands were all playing ball.


Exactly, at that time and for all those who held any position of power and influence in the government or in the community, anything outside their exclusive way of thinking always represented a serious threat to the American way of life.

The more we dig and the deeper we go into North American history in search of truer truths, the more contradictions we find between what they said and what really was to this day.
