Fathers' Day tomorrow - was treibt man am Vatertag?


mMrgen ist Feiertag, eigentlich religiöser aber auch Vatertag - früher vor dem Papa sein, war ich immer auf Tour, seitdem nicht mehr - obwohl ich grad sturmfrei habe - die Frau ist auf Mallorca ihre Landesfarben bei einem Tanzwettbewerb vertreten - ich arbeite in der Zeit und gehe zum Vatertag in Kino Tochter, wir versuchen in Film zu kommen ab 12, sie ist erst 11 - gespannt - drückt die Daumen

Am Vorabend teste ich gerade Lautstärker / Subwoofer und BPM Sachen auf dem uralten Mischpult

Daher hab ich auch einige Discords der Legendary Dragons wieder belästigt mit meinem Kram, den keiner hören mag - Sorry dafür.

Aber jetzt geniese ich paar Stunden und spiele die Sounds die nicht alle zueinander passen, von Synthi Early sounds über Techno aus UK, Acid aus UK / Germany und Sachen, die einfach Spass machen gerade.

Propaganda - German band from Düsseldorf

1980ies - one of the first local bands with success in England, produced by Trevor Horn

Speaking about Trevor Horn

He was the guy behind commercial success of a band called FGTH aka Franke goes to Hollywood - they realized a stellar succcess by hitting the no. 1 charts with all their first three singles in a row - a band that drove controversials discussions in the 1980ies - all driven by Trevor - they stopped to soon and had their only revival in original line up for just one song on stage after 30 years for a Eurovision performance.

I loved there appearance a lot - was my young days, sure @steevc might add more content to their story across the UK, they paved the way for a lot important movements in humanity.

What I tested on the eve before father's day was originally bass performance and BPM

So some tracks i compared with speed and bass impact in the following, I tried mainly the Trance / Acid comparison from the last 20 years - sound changed not that much, but beats per minute. The first is a kick back sound /from UK, love the song) to a movie I saw that changed my life a bit:

Guess the century of the following tracks (a lot from the UK though):


I well remember the controversy around Frankie. Relax got banned from Radio 1, but now it would be nothing special. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not. The sex has been ramped up in music, but little kids still need to have some innocence.

Enjoy your tunes.

