
Soficce Live version with Valerio Savino and Quintetto22+

this is the first official project by Undrsound, the song has been produced wityh the intention of pushing it exclusively on blockchain. Enjoy. Special Thanks to Valerio Savino, Quintetto22+ and Vittorio Magro for the "elegant" production. Video available on 3speakTV
Collection: LIVE Mantova Section
Total Edition(s): 10
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Edition #
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undersound 1 Private 100 MUSIC ($0.084)
undersound 2 Private 100 MUSIC ($0.084)
undersound 3 Private 100 MUSIC ($0.084)
undersound 4 Private 100 MUSIC ($0.084)
undersound 5 Private 100 MUSIC ($0.084)
undersound 6 Private 100 MUSIC ($0.084)
undersound 7 Private 100 MUSIC ($0.084)
undersound 8 Private 100 MUSIC ($0.084)
undersound 9 Private 100 MUSIC ($0.084)
undersound 10 Private 100 MUSIC ($0.084)
Per Page:
@undersound tokenized 10 editions
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