VIBES MUSIC COMPETITION #Week12 - A cover by @Udygold.


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Greetings to everyone on this amazing platform. I am @Udygold and for this week I'll be doing a cover of Cece Winas "Comforter".
The theme for this week is pains and we all know that the antidote for pain is comfort. No one can comfort us better than Jesus.
In our moment of grief , pains and uncertainty he is a perfect friend who will never leave us an inch and will understand us perfectly. The Bible says come unto me all year who are heavy laden and I will give you rest, so why look up to a mere man when our heavenly Father is a perfect Succor.

In my moments of pains, he comes in handy as a perfect balm of Gilead, I can be real with him, I can be open and not ashamed above all I can call him tirelessly and rest assured that he will always answer.
I hope this song blesses and encourages you to run to Jesus every time you feel pains.

The Lyrics of the song is below:

Faithful Friend and Father, I've called You through the years
You've been Great Physician when sickness lingered near
Through distressing moments Your name is new and sweet
You've become Comforter to me

You are Comforter, that's who You are to me
Comforter, a name that fits so perfectly
Peace that passes all understanding
Comforter is who You are to me, it's who You are to me

And to the grieving family who weeps for loved ones gone
The pain of separation consumes in other home
But on the waves of sorrow, You walk with perfect ease
Comforter is who the whole world needs

You are Comforter, that's who You are to me
Comforter, a name that fits so perfectly
Peace that passes all understanding
Comforter is who You are to me.


This is the link to my post on X

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This was a smooth sweet sounding entry that comforts
It is truly pain that pains, and not necessarily that love hurts...
For God is love and His love is the highest
Unconditional, merciful, forgiving and the wisest

You sang with so much beauty and soul
You should cover more of this style and mold
This entry was solid, like unearthing gold
You are growing in artistry, unraveling new folds...

-@Verbal-D Official Vibes Judge


What a wonderful piece


Thanks for your kind words, I sincerely don't take it for granted 🙏
