My Thoughts Become Me


"Such as are your habitual thoughts, such also will be the character of your mind; for the soul is dyed by the thoughts."-Marcus Aurelius

I'm very careful about what I listen to. From the music I play, to the documentaries I watch. Everything we consume, has a huge impact on our lives. As a mother, I make these decisions as much for my children, as I do for myself.

Music is powerful, it has the ability to lift us up, as well as hold us back. The songs we listen to over and over, the lyrics that stay in our minds, so that we find ourselves singing them, releasing them out into the world, into our reality. Like mantras, like spells.

So I choose to listen to songs, where the lyrics are either uplifting, spreading awareness about conscious living or both. I am aware of the power of words, especially when we say them with intent, or sing them.

There are certain songs that I like to sing, songs that uplift and empower me. That help me express who I am. One of those songs which I love to sing, especially from atop a mountain, out into the wilderness, has not many words, put it packs a powerful punch.

It's by Beautiful Chorus, a group of 4 or 5 women, that a friend introduced me to. The words are as follows

I am a radiant being,
Of light and healing,
I feel peace,
I am safe,
I heal from a whole place.


When I sing this song, I feel each word reverberate through my body. I feel it bring life to all of my cells. I feel the power of it. The wonderful effect it has over my mind and body. The more I sing it, the more I feel it, the more connected I am and the more I know those words to be true.

That is where the most power lies.

Because what I repeat, those words that flood my mind in such a beautiful way, become my reality. They are the foundations from which my thoughts grow.

And sometimes, when I'm annoyed or frustrated I need something a bit stronger, something that allows me to really express how I feel. Such is the power of our words, of our thoughts.

So much influences our thought process and that it is why we really need to watch what we consume, on every level. What affects our body inturn affects our minds and vice versa.

So we must feed our minds, with what it is we really desire in life. No it's not all roses and puppy dog tails, I want to feel it all. So I listen to lots of different types of music, but it's what I listen to the most that really feeds my soul.

Of course its about so much more than what we sing. It's the first thoughts that enter our heads each day, the ones that stay on repeat. The ones that create our reality.

We do have control over them. Even if perhaps we feel like we do not.

I used to be very fearful when I was younger, until I began to tell myself I wasn't. When I began to tell myself how powerful I was. I kept telling myself this , until I no longer needed to.

Of course I can wake up indoubt, I can lie awake in night in self doubt. But I get to switch that around and remind myself who I really am. A human, who will always experience many different emotions, I just need to make room for then and express them, so that I can live the life that I have painted for myself.

My thoughts really do become me.




I totally agree, even the music affects in a positive or negative way our being, I loved the lyrics of the song you share with us 😍.


It is a beautiful song, I'm happy to share its wonderful message xx


There is much reason in your words what you hear nourishes or harms life, a few days ago I told my daughter about the lyrics of the songs is very important the message you give to your mind, excellent reflection blessings 💕.


You're right. A lot of things contribute to our thought process. And the music we listen to more often that not because like you said, we listen to it and when we no longer listen to it, our mind plays it back. We release the words and it becomes an embodiment of our lives.

Now just imagine listening to the silly songs that are popular these days. Where's the value?


Some of the lyrics that I hear people sing are so derogatory and disrespectful and others just ridiculous really xxxx
