Creature Of Habit

I don't consider myself to be a creature of habit, or so I used to think. I like to leave room in my day, to be spontaneous if I feel like it. It's important to try and do something different each day, you know to keep our brains active amd our bodies.


My middle daughter, attends a kids creative space, a couple of days week. She needs to be there for two thirty. It takes her just under an hour to get there, with 20 minutes walking and then the rest by car. I go to meet her each evening at her drop off spot, as it's already dark by then.

I love to walk in the dark. Headphones on, with one side just above the ear, so I get to listen in on my surroundings. Which are mostly insects, birds and dogs. Line that up with some good music and it creates quite the unique orchestra. Tonight, I was listening to "Vidita", by Go Dugong remixed by El Buho.

Which had me grooving a bit, as I walked in towards the town to meet my daughter. The night sounds, fitting so well with the music. I couldn't help but dance a little. I really have no quirms about dancing in public, life is too short, not to do what you enjoy. To do what makes you happy.

I imagine I entertained the workers in the gas station, that I waited at. At this stage I was listening to Groundation, my back to their camera, dancing away. A woman I know, came over to me to as if I was okay. I guess in the dark, it was hard to make out my headphones, so I might of looked a little funny. But hey she came over smiling, so it was all good and I was certainly smiling as I enjoyed the music.


Then before I knew it, my daughter arrived and we were on our way, walking home. Using this opportunity to catch up with one another. I do try, to have one on one time with each of my daughters every day. As we do spend a lot of time all together. It always feels good to walk back home, especially as it is all downhill. With the mountains looming ahead of us.

Thinking how grateful I am, that I live a life, which I can flow along easily with. Not stuck in a solid routine, but allowing myself to be open to change, to try new things, to be spontaneous. To keep dancing through this life.

Hmmm not a creature of habit and yet here I am, a creature of contradictions, as I spend almost every evening sharing my thoughts on here. Grateful for this platform and everyone who takes the time to engage with me. Recognising, that we can be many different things at once. That we are meant to be.




Gorgeous track. I need a dance to shake off the awfulness of watching what is happening in Gaza. Thanks so much. sun is shining and i'm gonna dance in the garden to this track. Fuckety fuck fuck. this was EXACTLY what i needed my love!

PS I'm enjoying the whole album actually as I tidy the house before work!


Me, on the other hand, although I am definitely a creature of habit, I find it extremely difficult to write a post every day :)

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, they are always a great inspiration!


I really have no quirms about dancing in public, life is too short, not to do what you enjoy. To do what makes you happy.

I'd totally drop in and dance with you if I found you dancing in the air outside :)

And yes! I'm still dancing too. Inspite Exactly because of it all!

Never stop the dance, Mama Bear <3


Yeah that would be great, maybe one day we can have a dance off lol xxxx


I don't dance off anything these days! But a dance on fuck yeah! :)

Happy Monday, beautiful ❤️🌸


I'll give this track a listen to, but I know what you mean about the sounds of nature serenading you, everything sounds different at night. Nice of that lady to check on you...there are still good people out there in the world.
