"Amor sin condicion" Twic Musica/ cover by @thonyt05


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Feliz domingo para todos los amantes de la buena música que hacen vida en esta comunidad!

Hoy, dia de ir a la iglesia a alabar al Señor, aproveche para grabar una hermosa melodía que habla de la esencia e nuestro Dios; el amor!


Happy Sunday to all the lovers of good music that make life in this community!

Today, day of going to church to praise the Lord, I took the opportunity to record a beautiful melody that speaks of the essence of our God; love.


Hablar de amor, es hablar de Dios, la biblia dice que, el que no ama no ha conocido a Dios, porque Dios es Amor! y lo mas maravilloso de ese amor, es que no tiene condiciones, nos acepta a todos tal como somos con errores, con defectos, con virtudes, tal cual somos!

Un amor tan grande que envió a su hijo a morir por nosotros en la cruz por nuestros pecados! Gloria a Dios!

La cancion que les traigo es de Twice Música, y, se titula amor sin condicion, espero les agrade!

Source / Fuente

Dios les bendiga!

To speak of love is to speak of God, the Bible says that he who does not love has not known God, because God is Love! And the most wonderful thing about this love is that it has no conditions, it accepts us all as we are, with mistakes, with defects, with virtues, just as we are!

A love so great that he sent his son to die for us on the cross for our sins! Glory to God!

The song I bring you is from Twice Music, and, is entitled love without condition, I hope you like it!

Source / Fuente

God bless you!

Translated with https://www.deepl.com/translator

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