When You Miss The Trade Just Find Something To Build- BlockTunes Update

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The cool thing about being both a trader and a business developer is that there is always something to do. I missed the big short opportunity this morning on Bitcoin because, well, the big drop happened while I was sleeping, and then the rest of the drop happened while I was driving from the Keys to Miami to see my dad in the hospital.

While I was hanging out today at the hospital, I was able to get a lot of work done on @blocktunes trying to get some finishing touches laid down. I was able to get @groove-logic's latest release out to distribution as well as listed on the site with both a $MUSIC NFT on the BlockTunes marketplace on Hive and a special access NFT on the Polygon NFT Marketplace that unlocks special content on the main track page!

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Once you purchase the special access NFT you will come to the main track page and click the Connect with Unlock.

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Select your wallet, such as Metamask, Coinbase Wallet, or Wallet Connect wallet that you used to purchase your NFT.

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For this example, I used Metamask, so you will sign the transaction to activate the unlock protocol.

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Then you will hit Sign-in with wallet and you will be redirected to the BlockTunes song page and it will show the special locked content.

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Many Awesome Possibilities

Using the Unlock Protocol allows us to create some awesome use cases for our music NFTs on Polygon. Locked content, event tickets, memberships, etc. The best part about our Polygon NFT marketplace is that we use the pHBD token (Polygon wrapped HBD) as our payment token for our NFTs!

Linking Directly to NFTs

With these last couple of releases, I have tried something a little different. Instead of selling a copy of the album normally, I have it linked directly to the $MUSIC NFT on our Hive-based marketplace. This will be an option for anyone using the BlockTunes Release Service! This is actually something I need to add to the release form, so that will happen tomorrow...

Linking To Streaming Services

I have also been cleaning up the song pages and incorporating links directly to mainstream streaming services like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube. YouTube is one of the first to get set up for distribution, then that will usually get listed immediately after the release is processed.

New Category Setup

I have also been cleaning up the product categories to make things easier to navigate the music library. Added categories to sort all artists, genres, and release types like singles, EPs, and albums.

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This Thing Is Ready To Rock!

I feel that BlockTunes is finally ready to really start onboarding artists! Now that we have established NFT collections on both Hive using our own front end and token, and the Polygon based NFT collection that enables artists to give access to special locked material!

I will be charging extra for the special access locks as it does take time and gas fees to create those. But these locks can be used for multiple uses in the future like locked content, event tickets, etc!

Just need to finish up the small stuff like adding some extras and fixing up all the forms, but other than that, BlockTunes is ready to rock!

Until next time...

Be Cool, Be Real, and always Abide!

The Logical Labs Projects

https://hivelist.io - Classifieds, NFTs, DEFI Pool, Online Retail
https://HiveHustlers.com - Community for Entrepreneurs and All Around Hustlers
https://coin-logic.com - Live crypto market data, news, and research
https://blocktunes.net - Music NFTs, DAO, Downloads, and more
https://groovelogic.audio - DJ/Producer/Sound Engineer music and services
https://weedcash.org - The Highest Form of Social Media

Video Channels

View my channel on 3speak.tv! Video platfrom for a free speech society!

But if you must... here is the YouTube channel link:

Other Ways To Support

If you like what I am doing, please consider voting for my Hive Engine witness with your staked WORKERBEE!


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