Create chord progressions with AI



Do you need inspiration to create your music, do you find it difficult to build melodies, do you don't know how to make chords? If the answer to these questions is no (and that's OK) stick around and find out how you can create your own sounds without needing to know music theory and get that melodic motivation you need to finish your tracks.

¿Necesitas inspiración para crear música? ¿Te es difícil construir melodías? ¿No sabes cómo hacer acordes? Si la respuesta a estas preguntas es negativa (y no pasa nada con ello) quédate y conoce cómo puedes crear tus propios sonidos sin necesidad de saber teoría musical y obtén esa motivación melódica que necesitas para finalizar tus tracks.


ChordChord is a platform based on artificial intelligence that allows you to create melodic progressions from a single note or chord. It features a free mode where you can create hundreds of unique melodies for your songs in different formats such as MP3, WAV, MIDI and with the option to export to PDF.

ChordChord es una plataforma basada en inteligencia artificial que te permite crear progresiones melódicas a partir de una sola nota o acorde. Presenta una modalidad gratuita donde podrás crear centenas de melodías irrepetibles para tus canciones en diferentes formatos como MP3, WAV, MIDI y con la opción de exportar a PDF.


The AI that works on the melodic generation layer of this platform also allows you to create complex, harmonic melodies and chord voicings with great ease. You can generate progressions built with pianos, keys, pads, plucks, drums and other sounds of different types, modifying the tempo value (bpm) and the note on which you want each audio to be generated.

La IA que trabaja sobre la capa de generación melódica de esta plataforma permite también crear melodías complejas y armónicas y chord voicings con gran facilidad. Puedes generar progresiones construidas con pianos, keys, pads, plucks, drums y otros sonidos de diferentes tipos, modificando el valor del tempo (bpm) y la nota en que quieres que se genere cada audio.


You can choose from many modern, ambiguous and contemporary genres with the possibility of playing just the melody or accompanying it with a specific rhythm while creating various projects within the platform. This software is available only via the web and features a very comfortable and easy to use interface with a piano prototype similar to FL Studio's Piano Roll where you can observe the position of the notes, as well as the minor and major chords and their internal composition.

Podrás elegir entre muchos géneros modernos, ambiguos y contemporáneos con la posibilidad de hacer sonar sólo la melodía o acompañarla con un ritmo específico a la vez que creas varios proyectos dentro de la plataforma. Este software está disponible sólo vía web y presenta una interfaz muy cómoda y fácil de usar con un prototipo de piano parecido al Piano Roll de FL Studio donde puedes observar la posición de las notas, así como los acordes menores, mayores y su composición interna.


Highlights include the use of octaves for greater flexibility in the generation of progressions, quick access buttons such as play, back, forward and velocity for volume adjustment. To get started, all you need to do is create an account and make use of this amazing tool.

Caben destacar el uso de las octavas para una mayor flexibilidad en la generación de progresiones, botones de acceso rápido como el Play, atrás, hacia adelante y el velocity para el ajuste del volumen. Para empezar, sólo necesitas crearte una cuenta y darle utilidad a esta increíble herramienta.


The rapid growth of artificial intelligence has allowed content creators to optimise the time spent on their work, ChordChord is a prime example of this, saving musicians hours of production on digital creation by simply providing a tool that allows them to leverage their most valuable asset while being inspired to enliven their music.

El rápido crecimiento de la inteligencia artificial le ha permitido a los creadores de contenido optimizar el tiempo en sus trabajos, ChordChord es un vivo ejemplo de esto que le ahorra horas de producción y creación digital a los músicos por tan sólo proveerle de una herramienta que le permita a los mismos aprovechar su activo más valioso a la vez que se inspiran en aras de avivar su música.


Depending on your position on AI, would you use this tool, would you save hours of work that you can then use for more difficult artistic processes, or would you create melodies in the traditional way? I'll read you in the comment box 👇

Según tu posición con respecto a las IA, ¿usarías esta herramienta? ¿Ahorrarías horas de trabajo que podrás emplear luego en procesos artísticos más difíciles o crearás melodías de la manera tradicional? Te leo en la caja de comentarios 👇

Main image designed by me
Screenshots to ChordChord


AI is definitely evolving very fast in many industries and aspects of our lives!
I like to see it being used to aid musicians! I didn't know this particular platform but I've been using to have some fun with tracks (I'm not a professional).

In fact, the other day I started a little discussion about the use of AI on Threads. I don't know if you have heard of threads before but it's a brand new way to interact with the Hive blockchain while also bringing visibility to your content and activities on the community. Give it a try if you feel like it!

I don't know if you are aware but Leo Finance, the community that created Threads has a partnership with the Music community as you can see here.


Oh! Thanks, I'll start using Threads from now on. I'll try using, thanks for your recommendation.


AI is a powerful tool that every Hive user can leverage to improve their content creation and engagement, it just has to be done right!

By the way, check the comment by @tokenizedsociety, you might be interested in checking out what Threads is!
